I will attend the LZ anniversary celebrations.....

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id be up for this, wherever, whenever, however...
i was going to suggest a trip down there to ask on the door but bushwacker in there first.
think you could do with a poll to see who would come or who is interested, but remember no matter how much you plan there will always be people who have to pull out so the numbers you get on the poll wont be the amount that tturn up..
sorry just a thought, but why not open it up to anyone, ie adverts in mags and other sites etc, maybe get in contact with independant lr places and see if they want a stall?
or why dont we just do what the travelling community do. turn up, brew up, make a mess and then go when we ready lol
I've asked for a pm with contact details for 'Der management' ... ;)

I'll go ask and pass details on tom...

A little far south but virtually anywhere would be better than nowhere.

But we need a foot in the door.....

If this is an option give Krams300 a shout, I know he has a lot to do with the site. Alternatively there is Yarwell around Peterborough? Sounds like fun though.
sorry just a thought, but why not open it up to anyone, ie adverts in mags and other sites etc, maybe get in contact with independant lr places and see if they want a stall?

Must admit the thought had occurred to me too.

Trying to figure out how many folk would turn up on the day to an LZ only event is gonna be a headache.

How many folk went along to the LZ stands at this years shows?
Would more folk go because it was LZ only?

I feel a poll coming on :D :D
Been and spoken to owner of Frickley site and passed his mobile no etc to BB, Possibility of sole usage of site and its close to M1/M62 and A1. :)
Been and spoken to owner of Frickley site and passed his mobile no etc to BB, Possibility of sole usage of site and its close to M1/M62 and A1. :)

This is good stuff, info on availability and details of facilaties should be arriving soon.:cool:

Now.....numbers :confused: Not sure if it's worth putting a poll up as it will surge in the month before and then plummet in the last week but it might give some indication.

There's probably a very complex mathimatical equation to solve this where p is the weather coefficient, c is the total volume of cake in m3 and y is what time 'Help, The Only Way Is Dancing Factor' is on....
This is good stuff, info on availability and details of facilaties should be arriving soon.:cool:

Now.....numbers :confused: Not sure if it's worth putting a poll up as it will surge in the month before and then plummet in the last week but it might give some indication.

There's probably a very complex mathimatical equation to solve this where p is the weather coefficient, c is the total volume of cake in m3 and y is what time 'Help, The Only Way Is Dancing Factor' is on....

That's basically what The owner said when he asked me about numbers... I said appn 100 but no idea at all, his reply was "I'll halve that then"... :)
That's basically what The owner said when he asked me about numbers... I said appn 100 but no idea at all, his reply was "I'll halve that then"... :)

For the large greenlane runs and show stand final numbers are usually about 75%....not that that probably helps much :eek:
Poll added.....roughly translates as

Option 1.........Yes
Option 2.........Maybe
Option 3.........Maybe
Option 4.........I wanted to vote but haven't a clue what the threads about
I'm coming even if it means losing a weeks money from not workin'

Told me Doris that she can stay 'ome and mind t'kids espeshully as she's buggering off to NY next october half term for er 40th!

Dun't care where it is - just be nice to have time on me own without me doris, t'kids or some ovver buggers kids.
I'm coming even if it means losing a weeks money from not workin'

Told me Doris that she can stay 'ome and mind t'kids espeshully as she's buggering off to NY next october half term for er 40th!

Dun't care where it is - just be nice to have time on me own without me doris, t'kids or some ovver buggers kids.

I put you down fer the creche then :D
I'm coming even if it means losing a weeks money from not workin'

Told me Doris that she can stay 'ome and mind t'kids espeshully as she's buggering off to NY next october half term for er 40th!

Dun't care where it is - just be nice to have time on me own without me doris, t'kids or some ovver buggers kids.

I people bring kids I'll be bringing my little one.
yeah me and my doris willl be there, cant do without her (who else gonna dig me out and put kettle on, and dress me o and still love me in the mornjing). i live close by but will bring me caravan and sleep over.
think might be an idea once you get the cost beasty is to maybe work on low numbers attending then divide that to full cost then if there are a load attending then monies can go towards buying our lass an ambulance like yours......
plus you can take bookings with full fee once location etc is known for traders, burger stand, strippers etc etc
yeah me and my doris willl be there, cant do without her (who else gonna dig me out and put kettle on, and dress me o and still love me in the mornjing). i live close by but will bring me caravan and sleep over.
think might be an idea once you get the cost beasty is to maybe work on low numbers attending then divide that to full cost then if there are a load attending then monies can go towards buying our lass an ambulance like yours......
plus you can take bookings with full fee once location etc is known for traders, burger stand, strippers etc etc

Bugger the burger van (unless its ****y fingers on Langthwaite)...

Give sat nav locations for 'innits in Kirkby and Elmsall, Sheltons and Home farm Bakery in Hemsworth!

Frickley ?

That's oopp north intit? Sort of head for ecky thoomp and hang a left at eee bah goom and watch out for loose whippets.

Well that's what the AA routefinder says.
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