I will attend the LZ anniversary celebrations.....

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If you are still casting around for ideas you could consider joining the Convoy For Heroes event over Easter Weekend. The camp site, beer tent, activities are all set up leaving more time for 'socialising' and, I am sure if you contact the organizers, they could reserve a section of camping just for LZ members.

The event is taking place at Long Marston Airfield, Stratford-upon-Avon - Convoy Home

Apologies if this has already been suggested and rejected else where in the thread.


Rich T

Stratford upon Avon int reyt central...

Wasn't there some aggro with C4H a couple of years ago anorl?
Stratford is pretty damn central :confused:

but kind of get the feeling we'd be as welcome at a C4H event as a dose of clap :D
Personally I think there would be a lot more interest if there was not such an obsession with camping in APRIL. It will be cold and nasty.

Why not start again with a location with lots of cheap travel hotels near an off road site with room for stalls and shopping :D:D:D
Or we could take over Blackpool for the weekend. I hate the place myself, but it could be fun with lots of LZ folks :D:D:D
Or we could take over Blackpool for the weekend. I hate the place myself, but it could be fun with lots of LZ folks :D:D:D

I know the owner of a fantastic B+B and could put you in touch with him if it ends up a goer. :)
If you are still casting around for ideas you could consider joining the Convoy For Heroes event over Easter Weekend. The camp site, beer tent, activities are all set up leaving more time for 'socialising' and, I am sure if you contact the organizers, they could reserve a section of camping just for LZ members.

The event is taking place at Long Marston Airfield, Stratford-upon-Avon - Convoy Home

Apologies if this has already been suggested and rejected else where in the thread.


Rich T

not a bad idea folks
not a bad idea folks

all the work of organising is then done, maybe then we can get ideas etc of how to organise, and I FULLY SUPPORT OUR TROOPS AND RETIRED FORCES MEMBERS
So what if its not central, it sounds like it has everything we want/need and most of the hard work is done.
i presume prices have already been made for the event so people will have prior knowledge of this and can account for when replying to the rsvp.
since when has that stopped peeps posting?

site is full of poofs :p

Who will avoid anything goes if they have any sense at all :p:p

But if this is supposed to be an anniversary event, shouldn't we include everyone. Even, cant believe I'm saying it :confused:, the Freelanderers. Note the PC spelling of this :cool::D:D:D
Who will avoid anything goes if they have any sense at all :p:p

But if this is supposed to be an anniversary event, shouldn't we include everyone. Even, cant believe I'm saying it :confused:, the Freelanderers. Note the PC spelling of this :cool::D:D:D

Who will avoid anything goes if they have any sense at all :p:p

But if this is supposed to be an anniversary event, shouldn't we include everyone. Even, cant believe I'm saying it :confused:, the Freelanderers. Note the PC spelling of this :cool::D:D:D

I can believe it, in fact I think it's crucial that this is an event for all members of LZ :)
You have to laugh at the rhetoric and humourless souls on here.

While beasty may be green- I deal with a higher power.

If someone wants to rattle a tin-do not be surprised if there are different opinions.

Still my birthday and on the drinks, driver for tomorrow so chauffeur driven.

Happy Birthday Fanny :5bcheers2: Now please start a fight somewhere else :doh::p
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