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Me and roy have been chatting to one of the organisers of His name is Mark Pattenden and he is a member on Landyzone as Discovery2man and he should now have a nice shiny orange username.

If you have a look on the website you will notice that the show isn't the normal commercialised show, it's for charity BLESMA

Basically Mark likes to set himself a bit of a challenge, and for this show he wants to have the record for largest Land rover gathering in one place. The Blesma challenge is to get more than 1000 Land Rovers into the shape of a Land rover for the record.

We are planning to have a club stand at the the show, and from speaking to Mark it sounds like it could be a very good weekend!.

So the question is, who is interested in having a LandyZone club stand? On the forms it says 8 vehicles per club, but Mark says that if we can raise more, he will find a way to accomodate us.
So have a look at the website, see what you think and Vote in the poll.
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If we all post loads of random junk she may skip though without reading the posts.:(

or some kind soul may point out the relevant post to her , to save her having to search ;)

plus me and Mints travelling down together from Midlands so plenty of time to discuss/plan a two woman tag team response :D
or some kind soul may point out the relevant post to her , to save her having to search ;)

plus me and Mints travelling down together from Midlands so plenty of time to discuss/plan a two woman tag team response :D

It was nice knowing you MHM.:D:D:D
Thought I would let ya know... I will be able to make this.. due to it fallin on my weekend off at work, and also to 110woman's passenger seat from birmingham..... :D

Sorry pikey your peace and quiet is shattered again... :p
Thought I would let ya know... I will be able to make this.. due to it fallin on my weekend off at work, and also to 110woman's passenger seat from birmingham..... :D

Sorry pikey your peace and quiet is shattered again... :p

Looks like a stripper's off the list now pikey.:mad::mad::mad:
Have chucked my name in the hat fer this one, not got a rooftent or anything so might bring me truck and sleep in that instead :D

Should we ask Drewster to get involved as the 'meet and greet' person for the stand??? :rofl:
Have chucked my name in the hat fer this one, not got a rooftent or anything so might bring me truck and sleep in that instead :D

Should we ask Drewster to get involved as the 'meet and greet' person for the stand??? :rofl:

Perhaps the show organisers can borrow his CB and wire it into their PA system. That should ensure, everyone knows what's going on. Mind yu so will everybody else for about 20miles around. :eek:
Perhaps the show organisers can borrow his CB and wire it into their PA system. That should ensure, everyone knows what's going on. Mind yu so will everybody else for about 20miles around. :eek:

Ah, you may laugh but I reckon he'll be ideal by the entrance to ASDA when he retires :rolleyes::D

Think it ought to be some eyecandy in a tight , wet -look t-shirt........

So we've got ratty, beasty and pikey in the running so far, do we need a poll ? :D

The nearest those guys have got to a tight wet look t shirt is a gimp suit :eek:
A week with limited net access means a nice catch up night for me :)

I think we should give it till next week then see how many want to be on the stand, then I will speak to the organisers to see what kind of space we will have, and what we can erect:rolleyes: I want us to have soem flags up, and i'm thinking the sail type ones.. I've spoken with the clothing printer and he can stick the LZ logo on just about anything that I can get hold of. So if anyone knows of anyone who can get anything helpful, let me know.

As for rivet counting... I will be too busy drinking my body weight in beer!! I'm just looking forward to socialising, eating and drinking. Not that bothered about the off road course but want to be part of the Blesma attempt!
Think it ought to be some eyecandy in a tight , wet -look t-shirt........

So we've got ratty, beasty and pikey in the running so far, do we need a poll ? :D

If I bung some veg oil in me Landy and fire her up she smells like a chippy and Ratty will dribble all down the front of his 'Secure Unit' t-shirt.......

Does that count? :confused::confused::p
A week with limited net access means a nice catch up night for me :)

I think we should give it till next week then see how many want to be on the stand, then I will speak to the organisers to see what kind of space we will have, and what we can erect:rolleyes: I want us to have soem flags up, and i'm thinking the sail type ones.. I've spoken with the clothing printer and he can stick the LZ logo on just about anything that I can get hold of. So if anyone knows of anyone who can get anything helpful, let me know.

As for rivet counting... I will be too busy drinking my body weight in beer!! I'm just looking forward to socialising, eating and drinking. Not that bothered about the off road course but want to be part of the Blesma attempt!

So am I coming to scare them off or to welcome people?

Vicious rumour my long awaited conversion will appear next week-we'll see
If I bung some veg oil in me Landy and fire her up she smells like a chippy and Ratty will dribble all down the front of his 'Secure Unit' t-shirt.......

Does that count? :confused::confused::p

If I'm stood behind you I could dribble down the back of yours instead of the front of mine.;):D:D:D
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