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Me and roy have been chatting to one of the organisers of His name is Mark Pattenden and he is a member on Landyzone as Discovery2man and he should now have a nice shiny orange username.

If you have a look on the website you will notice that the show isn't the normal commercialised show, it's for charity BLESMA

Basically Mark likes to set himself a bit of a challenge, and for this show he wants to have the record for largest Land rover gathering in one place. The Blesma challenge is to get more than 1000 Land Rovers into the shape of a Land rover for the record.

We are planning to have a club stand at the the show, and from speaking to Mark it sounds like it could be a very good weekend!.

So the question is, who is interested in having a LandyZone club stand? On the forms it says 8 vehicles per club, but Mark says that if we can raise more, he will find a way to accomodate us.
So have a look at the website, see what you think and Vote in the poll.
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guess ya wont be doing the off-road course then ? :rolleyes:

Not with a roof tent and awning on.

I'm not too bothered about doing the course tbh. I'm thinking that a weekend off work, a good chin wag and a BBQ will be good enough for me.:)
I'm not bringing the family (wahoo) so I will have spaces in me car if anyone needs a lift from midlandshire if they can get here.
110 woman can follow me down if her wants to.........if she can find her way to Brum
I'm not bringing the family (wahoo) so I will have spaces in me car if anyone needs a lift from midlandshire if they can get here.

You're just after someone else to help push if you break it.;):D
Not with a roof tent and awning on.

I'm not too bothered about doing the course tbh. I'm thinking that a weekend off work, a good chin wag and a BBQ will be good enough for me.:)

Ere Rats....I got a big tarp I rig up as a Bedouin style thingy fer parties round 'ere and can borrow a small marque ('bout 15' x 10') if thats useful
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I'm not bringing the family (wahoo) so I will have spaces in me car if anyone needs a lift from midlandshire if they can get here.

Looks like I'm gonna be zig-zaging all over picking up family :faint2:
Ere Rats....I got a big tarp I rig up as a Bedouin style thingy fer parties round 'ere and can borrow a small marque ('bout 15' x 10') is thats useful

It sounds good yo me. If the tarp was strung up between a couple of landys it could help keep any wind or sideways rain out. We'll have to check with Accy and Roy and make a list of bits and bobs that peeps think could be needed.
oops forgot to mention they must each bring a spare part. Details of which spare part will be provided closer to the date.;)

I'll bring yer wheel if ya want and I won't even ask for a lift.;):D
We'll have to check with Accy and Roy and make a list of bits and bobs that peeps think could be needed.

Alright ffs........I bring a couple of tons of sand, deck chairs and a couple of pina-coladas anorl :D
Ere can you get me steering box off WLM....if he wont give it to you:emps1:

Yeah. I dunno if pikey is likely to be passing by at all but if he is he may be able to get it over this way


Me Pig just knocked everything over trying to hid under the coffee table :eek:

Don't panic mate. You've got a couple of months to catch him in.:D:D:D
Would be interested, depending if there are restrictions with arriving and more importantly leaving the site. Will def. be at the show anyway though.

Mind you the new vehicle is not a show piece so prob wouldn't be a good use of space!
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