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Me and roy have been chatting to one of the organisers of His name is Mark Pattenden and he is a member on Landyzone as Discovery2man and he should now have a nice shiny orange username.

If you have a look on the website you will notice that the show isn't the normal commercialised show, it's for charity BLESMA

Basically Mark likes to set himself a bit of a challenge, and for this show he wants to have the record for largest Land rover gathering in one place. The Blesma challenge is to get more than 1000 Land Rovers into the shape of a Land rover for the record.

We are planning to have a club stand at the the show, and from speaking to Mark it sounds like it could be a very good weekend!.

So the question is, who is interested in having a LandyZone club stand? On the forms it says 8 vehicles per club, but Mark says that if we can raise more, he will find a way to accomodate us.
So have a look at the website, see what you think and Vote in the poll.
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Ere Ratty, if you does have ninja sperm please would you ensure you never get within 100 foot of me !!
I can get pregnant just by being in close proximity of sperm so ninja swimmers need to quadrupple the distance to be safe :eek:
Ere Ratty, if you does have ninja sperm please would you ensure you never get within 100 foot of me !!
I can get pregnant just by being in close proximity of sperm so ninja swimmers need to quadrupple the distance to be safe :eek:

Ere Ratty, if you does have ninja sperm please would you ensure you never get within 100 foot of me !!
I can get pregnant just by being in close proximity of sperm so ninja swimmers need to quadrupple the distance to be safe :eek:

I'll go and stand in the corner then:(
Ere Ratty, if you does have ninja sperm please would you ensure you never get within 100 foot of me !!
I can get pregnant just by being in close proximity of sperm so ninja swimmers need to quadrupple the distance to be safe :eek:

And don't shake his hand :eek:
Guys thanks for all your support it's much appreciated please please please download the Blesma challenge forms and send them in. We are now starting to get some coming through and I will find a corner big enough for you all. Cheers mark

I am here:
Yes please guys I need as many forms completed ASAP they are on the website front page in the challenge box and please put which forum and your user name as well as your real name it helps me to track them. We need 1008 or more we have about 100 so far which is excellent news for Blesma thanks again

I am here:
Yes please guys I need as many forms completed ASAP they are on the website front page in the challenge box and please put which forum and your user name as well as your real name it helps me to track them. We need 1008 or more we have about 100 so far which is excellent news for Blesma thanks again

I am here:

Would be more useful if there was a link straight to the website to download the form, rather than peeps have to google it. :D

Unless its on the thread already...:eek:

ETA Tis ok, ive found it.... see post 1 :doh: :D
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Been a bit of a hectic week for me but i've finally got mine sorted.

As it stands if you wish to be part of the BLESMA challenge, which for those who have not read it, is basically a world record attempt for the most Land Rovers in one place and in the case, in the shape of a Land Rover. There is a form to fill in if you wish to be part of the challenge entry form.pdf
I have just filled 2 in for me and Roy with a donation in there for the charity (optional)

I hope that everyone attending wants to be part of the challenge. If my memory serves me correct the record is currently help by foreigners. That needs to change!!!!

As for our club stand, it would be good if we can get a definite list of people by the end of next week 20/4/2012, then we can organise our area and hopefully a discount for the group booking.

Details of the booking form are here Bristol & west club booking form.pdf

I will complete this and sort deposits once we know the numbers!

I know i've said it before but I can't think of a better way to gather LZ people and have a good weekend in the process! This event is for a good cause! the people that will benefit have served our country for almost 100 years. Some of us pay to go to the commercial shows to line organisers pockets, surely this is a better cause!
Haven't read entire far as i can see there are up to 8 free weekend passes for club members including camping...are we getting any of these?
Stuck my name down, for the whole weekend and man'ing the LZ Stall.

Whats the plan?

Do we all need to book in and buy our own Camping tickets?
And then regsiter for the BLESMA Attempt ?
Haven't read entire far as i can see there are up to 8 free weekend passes for club members including camping...are we getting any of these?

Think any free tickets ought to be given to those with most kids and therefore those who are most in need, financially and psychologically :D ........ So by my reckoning that'd be me and Ryder :D , unless anyone can claim otherwise :confused:

Or you could issue them on the basis of who might be able to supply the best bribe .......... Lemon Drizzle , anyone ? :D
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