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Me and roy have been chatting to one of the organisers of His name is Mark Pattenden and he is a member on Landyzone as Discovery2man and he should now have a nice shiny orange username.

If you have a look on the website you will notice that the show isn't the normal commercialised show, it's for charity BLESMA

Basically Mark likes to set himself a bit of a challenge, and for this show he wants to have the record for largest Land rover gathering in one place. The Blesma challenge is to get more than 1000 Land Rovers into the shape of a Land rover for the record.

We are planning to have a club stand at the the show, and from speaking to Mark it sounds like it could be a very good weekend!.

So the question is, who is interested in having a LandyZone club stand? On the forms it says 8 vehicles per club, but Mark says that if we can raise more, he will find a way to accomodate us.
So have a look at the website, see what you think and Vote in the poll.
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Would be interested, depending if there are restrictions with arriving and more importantly leaving the site. Will def. be at the show anyway though.

Mind you the new vehicle is not a show piece so prob wouldn't be a good use of space!

SHOWING VEHICLE!! :eek: Hadn't really thought about it like that.....was thinking more about helping out on the stand :eek:

Then again this is LZ not been working hard for 40 odd years and it shame in that :D
SHOWING VEHICLE!! Hadn't really thought about it like that.....was thinking more about helping out on the stand

What sort of help are you after? Keeping an eye on things? meet n' greet?
Men ****ing off one woman is normal , its called marriage :D but it takes real skill/stupidity to **** off two women at the same time with the same comment ;)

Int that what they call multi-tasking?:p
I have a autohaven 4x4 tent that can either be attached to the back of a landy. or be free standing. I've had 22 peeps stood in it before, sheltering from the rain. I can brung that if needed. and put it up behind the stall. for peeps to sit down/hide in when they get bored, fried, soaked, horny, stalked etc etc.
Men ****ing off one woman is normal , its called marriage :D but it takes real skill/stupidity to **** off two women at the same time with the same comment ;)

Hope you noticed how, with no thought of personal safety, I leapt to youtube in your defence:eek::rolleyes:
I have a autohaven 4x4 tent that can either be attached to the back of a landy. or be free standing. I've had 22 peeps stood in it before, sheltering from the rain. I can brung that if needed. and put it up behind the stall. for peeps to sit down/hide in when they get bored, fried, soaked, horny, stalked etc etc.

Do we have to choose an option or is it multiple choice?
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