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Me and roy have been chatting to one of the organisers of His name is Mark Pattenden and he is a member on Landyzone as Discovery2man and he should now have a nice shiny orange username.

If you have a look on the website you will notice that the show isn't the normal commercialised show, it's for charity BLESMA

Basically Mark likes to set himself a bit of a challenge, and for this show he wants to have the record for largest Land rover gathering in one place. The Blesma challenge is to get more than 1000 Land Rovers into the shape of a Land rover for the record.

We are planning to have a club stand at the the show, and from speaking to Mark it sounds like it could be a very good weekend!.

So the question is, who is interested in having a LandyZone club stand? On the forms it says 8 vehicles per club, but Mark says that if we can raise more, he will find a way to accomodate us.
So have a look at the website, see what you think and Vote in the poll.
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so thinking of more questions:-

Is there somewhere to plug a plug in ?

airbed which I have yet to buy, appears to come with a footpump- that seems like a lot of hard work- anyone have one of those power bloweruppers that I could borrow ?

what do people normally do for light after dark, do you have torches or lights that have gas things to power them and how safe are they ?

sure I'll think of 100s more questions :(

I's planning on getting blind drunk but I might need to sort some light in case Fanny devises an effective means of locking his fridge
see think I might be plugging in my straighteners if its wet & damp and I go all curly and frizzy so your lighting can hop it :p

But I got lot o low energy lighting we use for work. Less energy less petrol useage in the genny but more light :D I'm guna try n get old of one aswell
Was just browsing and I happened to trip over the fact that there's a Travelodge 8 miles away from the showground (whistling innocently) :eek:
You'll miss out on half the fun!

will commit to camping the Friday night but if the "fun" of camping is too overwhelming and a double bed in a comfy hotel room with warm shower and heating is too much of a lure then the Saturday could be an option :eek:
will commit to camping the Friday night but if the "fun" of camping is too overwhelming and a double bed in a comfy hotel room with warm shower and heating is too much of a lure then the Saturday could be an option :eek:

I was going to offer my spare room in Bristol (about half an hour away) but as you're going to have to be sober to get to either the hotel or here I imagine that you'll be camping both nights.

110w there is a shower block .... they normally have a plug socket :D

Your worried about undesirables passing your tent?? With bein in the company of this lot do you think the undesirables are gonna go anywhere near any of us??? :D

BB's right you will miss half the fun.

And dogsbody's right, you wont be able to have a drink... and if you have enough you wont care where yu are and where yu sleep. :D
You'll miss out on half the fun!

You know it might not be a bad idea.

That means in the morning 110 Woman will be sober and refreshed after a good night's sleep in a cosy bed.

She can get to the site about 6.30, put the kettle on and get the bacon, eggs, sausages, kidneys, tomatoes & beans going for you al, so you can have breakfast in bed at 7.30.

Then whilst you catch a few more zzzs, because you've had a cold, sleepless night ;), she will be able to wash up the breakfast pots, and put on another brew for 9.30 when you all get up. Meanwhile she's boiled yet more water for those of you who need to shave.

I'm sure 110 woman won't mind sitting there in the evening, stone cold sober, whilst you all enjoy that inane humour that accompanies the slow addling of the brain due to alcohol. And of course, being sober, she'll be in a position to clear up all the empties and other detritus before toddling off to her hotel, which is only eight miles away along dark, unlit, narrow country lanes which she has never driven before.:eek::eek:

C'mon, you know it makes sense. Just a shame I can't be there to join you.
You know it might not be a bad idea.

That means in the morning 110 Woman will be sober and refreshed after a good night's sleep in a cosy bed.

She can get to the site about 6.30, put the kettle on and get the bacon, eggs, sausages, kidneys, tomatoes & beans going for you al, so you can have breakfast in bed at 7.30.

Then whilst you catch a few more zzzs, because you've had a cold, sleepless night ;), she will be able to wash up the breakfast pots, and put on another brew for 9.30 when you all get up. Meanwhile she's boiled yet more water for those of you who need to shave.

I'm sure 110 woman won't mind sitting there in the evening, stone cold sober, whilst you all enjoy that inane humour that accompanies the slow addling of the brain due to alcohol. And of course, being sober, she'll be in a position to clear up all the empties and other detritus before toddling off to her hotel, which is only eight miles away along dark, unlit, narrow country lanes which she has never driven before.:eek::eek:

C'mon, you know it makes sense. Just a shame I can't be there to join you.

:hysterically_laughi good points there tazz :D
Bugger, bugger, bugger! I've only just seen this thread.

Count me in, I won't be camping, but I'll see you all there
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