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Me and roy have been chatting to one of the organisers of His name is Mark Pattenden and he is a member on Landyzone as Discovery2man and he should now have a nice shiny orange username.

If you have a look on the website you will notice that the show isn't the normal commercialised show, it's for charity BLESMA

Basically Mark likes to set himself a bit of a challenge, and for this show he wants to have the record for largest Land rover gathering in one place. The Blesma challenge is to get more than 1000 Land Rovers into the shape of a Land rover for the record.

We are planning to have a club stand at the the show, and from speaking to Mark it sounds like it could be a very good weekend!.

So the question is, who is interested in having a LandyZone club stand? On the forms it says 8 vehicles per club, but Mark says that if we can raise more, he will find a way to accomodate us.
So have a look at the website, see what you think and Vote in the poll.
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Toughen up FFS ya wimps.. It's the middle of summer. I camped in North wales about minus 12C with a wafer thin sleeping bag Cos I'd ****ed all over me good un. :eek: :eek: Due to been too drunk to find me way out of me tent the night before. Woke up in the morning and found out the sleeping bag had frozen solid. :eek
Toughen up FFS ya wimps.. It's the middle of summer. I camped in North wales about minus 12C with a wafer thin sleeping bag Cos I'd ****ed all over me good un. :eek: :eek: Due to been too drunk to find me way out of me tent the night before. Woke up in the morning and found out the sleeping bag had frozen solid. :eek

Hahahahahaha iv herd this story :D :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
Hahahahahaha iv herd this story :D :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi

Did ya hear about the tosser who had 3 sleeping bags and was gonna leave me to sleep with no bag at all?? Cos he's too fooking greedy to help anyone..

Or the sod who wouldn't lend me his spare blanket. Cos he wanted it to stop his windscreen from freezing over :doh: :mad: :D :D
Did ya hear about the tosser who had 3 sleeping bags and was gonna leave me to sleep with no bag at all?? Cos he's too fooking greedy to help anyone..

Or the sod who wouldn't lend me his spare blanket. Cos he wanted it to stop his windscreen from freezing over :doh: :mad: :D :D

It wernt me was it:D:D
right ,may be a silly question but with all this talk of power and generators etc is there somewhere to plug in a plug ?
depends if you like the dark:eek::eek:

mmm , let me think, darkness, alone, bit of plastic tent and no door lock btw me and any passing psycho killer rapist- yep it just gets better this camping lark :eek:
mmm , let me think, darkness, alone, bit of plastic tent and no door lock btw me and any passing psycho killer rapist- yep it just gets better this camping lark :eek:

If me & Fanny is there. he'll be out psycho'd :D :D
mmm , let me think, darkness, alone, bit of plastic tent and no door lock btw me and any passing psycho killer rapist- yep it just gets better this camping lark :eek:

Blerd ell woman, yer guna be surrounded by blokes with landys and big tools fer fightin off rapists.

I don't thin yer need to worry my dear :D
Blerd ell woman, yer guna be surrounded by blokes with landys and big tools fer fightin off rapists.

I don't thin yer need to worry my dear :D

Dun't think ur tool would frighten a Rapist off Might have him rolling on the floor in hysterics though, :D
so thinking of more questions:-

Is there somewhere to plug a plug in ?

airbed which I have yet to buy, appears to come with a footpump- that seems like a lot of hard work- anyone have one of those power bloweruppers that I could borrow ?

what do people normally do for light after dark, do you have torches or lights that have gas things to power them and how safe are they ?

sure I'll think of 100s more questions :(
so thinking of more questions:-

Is there somewhere to plug a plug in ?

airbed which I have yet to buy, appears to come with a footpump- that seems like a lot of hard work- anyone have one of those power bloweruppers that I could borrow ?

what do people normally do for light after dark, do you have torches or lights that have gas things to power them and how safe are they ?

sure I'll think of 100s more questions :(

I got an electricery pump for mine, also Asia in town wer doin air beds proper cheap, I got a single one for £8

I think bath and west show ground is prety well lit anyways
so thinking of more questions:-

Is there somewhere to plug a plug in ?

airbed which I have yet to buy, appears to come with a footpump- that seems like a lot of hard work- anyone have one of those power bloweruppers that I could borrow ?

what do people normally do for light after dark, do you have torches or lights that have gas things to power them and how safe are they ?

sure I'll think of 100s more questions :(

Lidl are doing a Windup LED lantern no betteries needed and runs for ages & only needs about 20seconds of winding to get it fully charged. Failing that Millets do cheapish lanterns/or torches Battery powered or windy ones. Go for LED ones as they use hardly any power so batteries last for ages DO not get a gas heater.

I believe their will be a generator available for leccy things.

I have a 12V air pump. :)
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