but which has the better (roof) rack??

thats vitally important in me books
On a serious note (sorry guys!) are you really going to dump your girlfriend??

Mine loves my Fender and spends more time on the forums than I do!!! :)
On a serious note (sorry guys!) are you really going to dump your girlfriend??

Mine loves my Fender and spends more time on the forums than I do!!! :)

well w'dya think...she wants me 2 sell th landy....for a mini!

she already has a fookin SMARTcar for christs sake:mad:

if that dont tell ya all ya need to know bout th tart then.....:D

whoooooooooooo goes?................YOU dezzide!
Well, if it was my decision, and litrally the only thing I could take into account was the car, mini or defender, then she'd go, and I'd find a girl who loves the Landy! :)
If she doesn't like your land rover because its "ugly" I'd tell her to **** off. It just shows you that she's shallow and more concerned about how she looks with you as opposed to how happy you are! I certainly wouldn't mess about with a girl who doesn't appreciate your hobby. Ask her to sell all her shoes and handbags and see how she replies! Your land rover has more holes than she does anyway ;) :D

Damn right, partners should be supportive, and how unpractical is a mini, then you'll have two cars with no rear seats!!! and boots no bigger than the glove box!
A defender is not ugly, it shows that your ruggid and practical :)
she h8's it most cos it aint comfortable and it aint a mini!

shes spent to much time in th city and surrounded by fag hair dressers (no offence if ur homo) and prissy estate agents (once again no offence to all the prisses out thur!) if she spent more time in th sticks then she'd she the beauty of th landy with all its squeaks, whines, clicks, clunks and so on and so on!

she can'y b reasoned with (find me a bint who ya can!)

so, so far i reckon th lz community is swayin for the landy over th ol girl?

i'm thinkin i'l keep them both, see her less and marry the landy!:D
yer ok if she's just the GF but if its the doris yer in deep **** if yer leave em, just ask me or that paul scouser bloke

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