ffs i cant see the fascination with having the doris interested in yer landy. why do you feel that yer have to do everything with em

ah she aint been interested up to now, and in retro its pretty entertainin hangin on to somethin that narks 'er right off!arguments grand fur th ticka!always gonna 'ang on to it.
OK, now actually READ the posts rather than just jumping in on title. you ask:-
"any ideas out there on 'ow ta persuade 'er a landy life is the life ta live?"

EASY - ask her to identify why this is NOT the way to go.
if it be that green laning is too gentle, take her to some extreme off road, scare her ****less (adrenalin rush - gets womin hot!!!)
If it be that off roading is to rough - take in some gentle lane (show her your carining side, talk about bunnies n **** - again may get them hot)
If it be the whole I'm gonna get messy / break my nails type hype, get shot of either her (high maintenance) or your landy, cheper high maintenance (you woose), thay ain't NEVER gonna reconcile....)
If it be the cost of the whole endeavour ( and let's be honest, our hobby ain't cheap in terms of time or cash), well then your stuffed really, apart from the argument that 'it makes you happy', but this only applies if you are saving up for a house, kids etc, in which case............

your are screwed
ah right, I meant as in so that she can possibly learn to live with it, rather than it b a life or death big ol drama of an issue.Never want 'er to b as obsessed with it as me.etc etc et cetera

o and screw readin...I jus look at th pictures
just tell her "its a man thing, like kitchens are womens things", that should sort her out ;)
Change GF to one who reads this forum, well up on Landy stuff etc.

HB R U Free (to help him select of course - what else?)

Mods, How about a new 'Contacts' section?

Might be interesting to see how Yella n Slob 'advertise' themselves?
ffs b and m, why the **** would you want your doris reading on here. is your life that fookin sad that you want to do everything together.
gawd cant think of anythin worse than havin her join this lot!there'd b no escape!although a women only section may b a good idea.her and hybrid..gaylander owners..all together talkin bout...well whatever they chat about
Oh no, but she 'understands' my need to 'bond' with likeminded males when we exrt our engines over rough terain....

means I have an exucse to **** off every now and then with the lads and not have to bothert with any **** when i get back.

In fact, coming home to a nice roast, a cold beer, a womin who's missed me.......
ffs you had me worried for a minute there b an m, i thought you were one of them sad ****ers that took his doris off roadin

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