If you go with a single motor they yes you're going to need a T Box/ diff of some kind.

i'm assuming 1 big one with have the power of 2 smaller ones?

Do the motors mount right at the diff flanges or would you need a propshaft like with the stock lR setup?
Perhaps a dump oil button? So you can decide whose drive way you spoil.

Regarding the motors I think I'd mount them where the transfer box is and keep the prop shafts. they'd be out of the way there, less likely to get damaged by rocks and things. I'd make up a carrier for the two motors that mounts to the existing T Box mounts, and add a flange so that the hand brake can be retained, otherwise you need to design and fit a whole new hand brake. I noticed that one conversion I saw had fitted an electric hand brake as they had removed the transmission one.
at the moment, the only way forward is nuclear. wind and solar have uses but not exactly clean when you look at the full picture. wave/tidal is even worse and all are a blight to wildlife and the environment
that said, current nuclear isnt exactly clean
it would be interesting to see a study on direct comparison between internal combustion vs electric, specifically non-nuclear power plants and the efficiency of both, losses at the power plant, losses in transformers and power lines etc, then losses in the vehicle per mile driven.

When the energy supply is free, ie wind and solar, the efficiency is not as important as when you have to pay for it.
Last year over half of the energy produced in UK was from renewable sources!
As for losses in transformers and power lines, that's the same no matter how the energy is produced, because that's all 'downstream' of the power station.
London Electric did a conversion on a 1983 RRC they used tesla components.

It only cost £50,000 :cool::D

Main issues were the rear springs had to be replaced for rather stiff units because of the weight and the boot floor had to be raised to accommodate the batteries.

It also couldn't really tow anything, and the other downside is the vehicle weight was close to 3 ton stock so with a trailer even remotely loaded you have to get an LGV/HGV licenece and fit a tacho LOL :D

To be fair i'm not a cynical however the idea of a full electric LR is an oddity, a reason there isn't one now, even though electric hype has been strong for close to 5 years..

Some underestimate the amount of batteries needed to move such a vehicle, a Tesla "naked" with nothing in it is light "in car terms" however even without an engine a landie is a heavy thing, so range isn't going to be great.

Also space, some have the odd thought that the batteries take up no space and can be just "stuffed in"..

However i doubt you could fit a full Tesla battery pack to a 110 with room to spare, in a 90 i'd say it would be close to impossible.

have you every wondered why the new EV Mini has less range than a Model S? :D

It is all about space :D

As for the future being electric, nothing is certain to be fair to 'em they can get good range, however Range is still an issue, you might of noticed the hype around Electric vehicle has gotten stronger but the range hasn't :oops::confused:

Towing too is an issue and for vehicles like the Range Rover etc that are heavy things to begin with i doubt they'll go full leccy anytime soon as their main prerogative "among many" is to make it lighter and more efficient :confused::D

As for Fuel prices rising..

That is a scare mongering tactic by the Gov and populus who preach "green" and bullshít,.

The money this cash cow of a goverment gets from Fuel and tax i doubt they'd give it up ;)

And to be fair how long are they gonna let you scrounge electric for free? ;)
How long will they allow a "no tax" policy?

Nothing comes free..

Fitting the batteries shouldn't be a problem. The model S battery pack is approx 7ft long, 4 ft wide and six inches thick.
As for the difference between in range of the Mini and a Model S, there are several reasons. Cost, size of battery pack, energy density of the batteries, size of car, range necessity.
The energy density of batteries is increasing year on year! As the density increases, you can eaither keep the same size pack or maintain the range and reduce the pack size. Also the battery cost is coming down too.
Personally, my only fear of an electric Land Rover is what heppens when it all goes FIZZBANG when the water is over the bonnet and my mate's screaming "THIS ISN'T A SUBMARINE!" at me from the passenger seat!
When the energy supply is free, ie wind and solar, the efficiency is not as important as when you have to pay for it.
Last year over half of the energy produced in UK was from renewable sources!
As for losses in transformers and power lines, that's the same no matter how the energy is produced, because that's all 'downstream' of the power station.
its not 'free' though, when you look at the cost, both financial and natural resource, of creating the collection devices, then the recycling of them. then theres the cost to the environment. solar/wind farms have a huge footprint. birds for example fly round windfarms at sea, making daily foraging trips either longer or impractical. thats fact, not my opinion. But folks don't see this impact so its not counted.
I'm not saying that nuclear is any better, the waste, accidents and recycling of powerplants is horrific
Not bad ;)

I do get what you're saying about the diesel efficiency, my D2 seemed more economical around town, maybe its because you trundle around in town and have to HOON them on fast roads ;)

London Electric did one on a 1983 RRC it cost 50k IIRC you'll have to email them, quite a nice bunch ;)
Oh and they got 300km from their conversion :p

So in the real world before you could benefit from the £8 refill cost of an EV LR you'd have to do over 140k o_O:D:D

Oddly they don't list a price!!!! :eek:

Perhaps they don't and only throq the bill at you once done!! :confused::confused::confused: lol

SURPRISE!! "heart attack" :D:p

At least you have a good power source to quickly plug your defib into when they give you the bill!
its not 'free' though, when you look at the cost, both financial and natural resource, of creating the collection devices, then the recycling of them. then theres the cost to the environment. solar/wind farms have a huge footprint. birds for example fly round windfarms at sea, making daily foraging trips either longer or impractical. thats fact, not my opinion. But folks don't see this impact so its not counted.
I'm not saying that nuclear is any better, the waste, accidents and recycling of powerplants is horrific
You miss my point. You aren't paying for coal or gas to burn. With renewables, the fuel is free. You don't have to pay for the wind or light. As for the build cost, you have to pay for any power station.
As for birds flying around windfarms, make up your mind. I thought the complaint with wind turbines was that birds fly into them?
Given the choice between us being energy independent and birds getting tired, sod the birds!
You miss my point. You aren't paying for coal or gas to burn. With renewables, the fuel is free. You don't have to pay for the wind or light. As for the build cost, you have to pay for any power station.
As for birds flying around windfarms, make up your mind. I thought the complaint with wind turbines was that birds fly into them?
Given the choice between us being energy independent and birds getting tired, sod the birds!
I'll expect to see a drop in energy prices then
Quest TV are starting a new series called Vintage Voltage.

Show starts on 25th June. They even have a Fender in the show.

You aren't paying for coal or gas to burn.
With renewables, the fuel is free.
It is, all free!! :)
You don't have to pay for the wind or light. As for the build cost, you have to pay for any power station.
Agreed. You pay more to build a gas power station than an equivalent capacity wind farm. Then you pay again to keep the fires burning, which is of course free with the wind farm. ;)

As for birds flying around windfarms, make up your mind.
Most of this is BS, spouted by the Anti-Everything brigade!!
I thought the complaint with wind turbines was that birds fly into them?
I can now see over 30 wind turbines from my back garden, whereas 20 years ago there were just 8. As far as I'm aware, no birds have been injured by wind turbines near me, which is more than I can say for cars that drive down the roads.

Electric is the way forward, and those that can will generate a majority of the energy to run them locally via renewable sources. I'm all for converting an LR to Electric, if it suits the owner's requirements, and is less polluting at the same time. :)

There's a similar thread on the Freelander forum at the moment. ;)

It is, all free!! :)

Agreed. You pay more to build a gas power station than an equivalent capacity wind farm. Then you pay again to keep the fires burning, which is of course free with the wind farm. ;)

Most of this is BS, spouted by the Anti-Everything brigade!!

I can now see over 30 wind turbines from my back garden, whereas 20 years ago there were just 8. As far as I'm aware, no birds have been injured by wind turbines near me, which is more than I can say for cars that drive down the roads.

Electric is the way forward, and those that can will generate a majority of the energy to run them locally via renewable sources. I'm all for converting an LR to Electric, if it suits the owner's requirements, and is less polluting at the same time. :)

There's a similar thread on the Freelander forum at the moment. ;)
everything has a price, even when it is 'free' on the face of it.
agree about the anti-everything brigade, theres too many of them, but some do have merit.
its not about birds being injured, though like everything i'm sure accidents do happen. My comment was about sea birds in particular, choosing to fly around wind farms as opposed to through or over. this has been evidenced by GPS tags monitoring bird locations over time. some birds have been observed flying round them which increases frequency chicks getting fed, other birds have been observed giving up on a feeding ground rather than making the trip.
you're right, electric is a way forward, whether its right strategy in the long term, only time will tell. who knows what technology lies around the corner
When the energy supply is free, ie wind and solar, the efficiency is not as important as when you have to pay for it.
Last year over half of the energy produced in UK was from renewable sources!
As for losses in transformers and power lines, that's the same no matter how the energy is produced, because that's all 'downstream' of the power station.

SMR reactors (small modular) which the UK is leading the development of, would regionalise the grids so this will mean less distance
Does anyone here watch the Fully Charged Show channel on You Tube?
It was created by Robert Llewllyn, the guy who played Kryton the android in Red Dwarf. It turns out he's a great electric vehicle nut. In fact electric and everything to do with renewable energy! His channel has just celebrated it's ten anniversary.
I've been watching for about three.


This one is particularly interesting as he interviews James Kelloway, Energy Intelligence Manager, from National Grid.

This guy James, just explains things like your mate down the pub, and shows that GB is leading the way with renewables!
So Converting to electric eh. Make one cut in the standard chassis and yur now into IVA territory.. With al that availabke power and zero transmission braking, you will have to upgrade the brakes,

Renewable energy has its price .. each turbine useds 9000 tons of steel and 2500 tones of concrete and 40 tons of plastic in its construction and to generate the needs for the entire UK at present levels you would require 45000 wind turbines.. That ammount of turbines would require the entire available land mass of Scotland to accommodate , Of course they would need backed up by solar and offshore backups .. The reality is that the other renewables would be required like burning trees .. Just as well we can import wood to burn because there will be no space left for growing trees ..

My suggestion to the bloke with the new TESLA is sell your land rover .. buy another tesla if they are so good . Everything comes at a price and at current rates your electric vehice is cheap to run .. But once the system catches up do you seriously think you will be doing 300 miles for 20p Think again.. its cheap just now while its being promoted, but smart meter technology and the governments need to replenish the £40billion lost revenue will 100% ensure that when you plug in your electric car you will be charged at a different tarrif and pay for what you use and how you use it . All based on need, time of day and available capacity from the grid .. Chances are you will find that going 300 mies in your TESLA will cost you pretty much the same as the current avaerage fossil fuel powered car , Nothing in this world is ever free. There simly is no such thing as a free ride .

The next thing regards converting HISTORIC registered classics is you will be wasting your money . Apart from the modifications taking it out of the Historic registration bracket if you register it correctly and dont commit FRAUD , the life of HISTORICS will be drastcally cut short by restriction on use policies . They already got you by the bollox , Free tax, No MOT and HISTORIC identifier .. Easy to slap a limitation of use restriction on all such registered vehicles. If pay to drive tech comes in then HISTORICS wont be eligable for the black box , instant restriction .. Classics probably have 20 years max befor they are pretty much worthless .. Well calculated as most of us that are interested in them will be dead or on our last legs so they wont have to compensate for the useless old bangers in the shed . Look around you today, there are very few millennials into old classics and a lot of them are choosing not to drive .. Classic car ownership will die with the current owners ..

So How do you Service a public street where there are more cars than houses or indeed flats . Answer is you dont , Car ownership is going to be a thing of the past . Home working, local amenities, public transport and ridiculous electric scooters will be available to the plebs . Already the law relating to the use of electric scooters has been revised to accommodate.

Undoubtedly petrol and diesel will remain available for the next 30 years , but it will be phased out as the vejhicles requiring it are scrapped and reduced in numbers. That will accelaerate as the electronics and service items in current models ( and those still being manufactured in a few years time ) are no longer made available , phased obsolescence. so less fossil fuel cars manufactured and more being obsolete will accelarate the reduction . Older cars that are cheap to buy and run by ordinary folk will be made uatractiv by the increased cost in fuel prices and tax, forcing them off the road and the owners to seek other modes of transport ..

So you see the electric car generation are not only holier than thow imagining they are saving the planet, they are signing up for the biggest change in the 21st century and probably causing more grief than they can ever imagine . Thankfully I wont be around.. Autonomous driving will be the next thing, which will ensure your mode of transport is programmed for minimal use , after all with renewables being the only means of power and industry using most of whats available, your share will be very much rationed ... Smart meters.. Smart cars , autonomous driving.. or Johnny cabs , The future is bleak The future is electric .

Fill your boots and build your land rover conversion and see if its as easy as building a standard a fits b land rover .. then let us know .. how you get on.. £30k should cover it .. by the time your done the tech will have moved on..

If your really interested in saving the planet stay at home for your holidays , your carbon footprint is now sorted .. Shower every other day, your now in credit, ditch your mobile phone , now your not supporting child labour in the congo, switch of your TV indeed have just one in your house , have just one child or one less, turn the heating down from 21 to 17 degrees , just heat the room you use , use an electric lawn mower not a petrol one , stop composting, etc etc etc etc There is more than one route to saving the planet other than indulging in the gross and excessive consumerism of tesla purchase.. Recycle old land rovers and save the planet without converting them using newly produced components and drive a 30 year old product and not the latest, trendiest, unrealisticaly expensive, planet raping consumer toy.

Imagine how green you would be then. .
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