FFS, if the girlie luvs ya, she'll luv yer landy an all, if she can't get your habit, have 'the chat' - she'll either accpet your other womin (your landy) or she'll not.
If so, happy days, if not decide which you love the most. You CAN be happy wiv no orf road, but be true to what you want. If the womin can't accept you the way you are, then question what else she'll wanna change about you oin the fututre.
Rule 1 - be yourself
Rule 2 - consider what your willing to comromise on
Rule 3 - life MUST have a fun / escapism element in it somewhere (be it orf roading, boys night out, strip clubs etc)
Rule 4 - works both ways, she may well want a 'girlie night' every now and then (how do you feel about her going to a Chippendales type night?)
Rule 5 - see rule 1, if she can't accept the person you are, she ain't right for you, BUT, works both ways, can YOU accept the person she is / want's to be at heart?
WOW, deep ain't it (so speaks the voice of experinecne!!) even if he can't spell!!!!