ah suppose they would come in handy fer making tea and fetching beer bottles and stuff
Logging off now, after n afternoon at the pub (really - met Global there) and an hour here, me 'Doris' (as you call her) has cooked me dinner, a nice curry, plus a couple of beers.

See ya in the morning Guys, it's been fun! (but not as much as it's gonna be soon!!!!)
Logging off now, after n afternoon at the pub (really - met Global there) and an hour here, me 'Doris' (as you call her) has cooked me dinner, a nice curry, plus a couple of beers.

See ya in the morning Guys, it's been fun! (but not as much as it's gonna be soon!!!!)

me mams just shouted upstairs than me dinner's oot
One last post, (dinner too hot ha ha):-
Slob, your translation was flawed and unncessary, I luvs me Doris, n proud to say it. She accpets me, my Landy and all the other **** in my life (past and present) with no questions.

She gives me peace, time alone, time together etc etc (ain't it sweet)

take the **** all you want guys, I've won this one, NOTHING you can say will change that.....
One last post, (dinner too hot ha ha):-
Slob, your translation was flawed and unncessary, I luvs me Doris, n proud to say it. She accpets me, my Landy and all the other **** in my life (past and present) with no questions.

She gives me peace, time alone, time together etc etc (ain't it sweet)

take the **** all you want guys, I've won this one, NOTHING you can say will change that.....

One last post, (dinner too hot ha ha):-
Slob, your translation was flawed and unncessary, I luvs me Doris, n proud to say it. She accpets me, my Landy and all the other **** in my life (past and present) with no questions.

She gives me peace, time alone, time together etc etc (ain't it sweet)

take the **** all you want guys, I've won this one, NOTHING you can say will change that.....
the only thing you won was the worlds biggest WHHHOOOOOOOSH!
ffs daft, it wur a typo which i spotted just as i hit send. it wur then corrected AS****inP
aye am not sure how me fat ****ing finger managed to hit the key next to H instead of H. iy might be cause i seen one of dave's rellies today
Curry was great,:)
few beers,:)
Mrs warming the bed till i get there,;)
Still fink i won this one:D

G'Night lads:p

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