Aren't JLR working on an electric new defender?

Doubt if it will be that much.
No it won't and I have the copy of the mag in another room so can't check at the mo, but no, built by the factory they will be cheaper.
This one is an all singing all dancing money no object conversion which will go like feck and for a long distance, I think, from memory as I only skimmed the article as not really interested that much!;)
Another article said 25% odd of new regs in this last year have been electric in one form or another, but that may just be a reflection of the chip shortage.
No it won't and I have the copy of the mag in another room so can't check at the mo, but no, built by the factory they will be cheaper.
This one is an all singing all dancing money no object conversion which will go like feck and for a long distance, I think, from memory as I only skimmed the article as not really interested that much!;)
Another article said 25% odd of new regs in this last year have been electric in one form or another, but that may just be a reflection of the chip shortage.
I will probably be getting an electric when my car packs in.
I see plenty of charging points most places I go now, and I drive as little as possible.
Quite like the look of the all electric Hyundais.
Sell your car then......
Until electric cars become more efficient and cheaper a lot of people can't get and won't go near them.
The masses that drive fuel vehicles don't yet have access to on street chargers and not everyone like some of us have driveways or quiet roads to park in where your not fighting to park in your own street.
If we don't drive cars, we still heat our homes with some fuel or another which is another form of pollution through production or end result.
Aeroplanes that below crap, tankers that burn waste oil..

Anyhow, for me I wouldn't use the ethanol in my V8 if I had one. I'd be too worried about dropping a liner.

Might actually make a v8 burn cooler so less likely to drop a liner.
I will probably be getting an electric when my car packs in.
I see plenty of charging points most places I go now, and I drive as little as possible.
Quite like the look of the all electric Hyundais.
Can you imagine us trying to drive all the way to our place in France in an electric? Even if we could find charging points and didn't mind fast charging. It would be immensely frustrating and could even add another day to the journey, Unless we could guarantee a hotel room with a charging point for the overnight stop. And the vehicle would have to be capable of towing and have a good range, better than the ones normally quoted.
Agree, fine for just running around.
Can you imagine us trying to drive all the way to our place in France in an electric? Even if we could find charging points and didn't mind fast charging. It would be immensely frustrating and could even add another day to the journey, Unless we could guarantee a hotel room with a charging point for the overnight stop. And the vehicle would have to be capable of towing and have a good range, better than the ones normally quoted.
Agree, fine for just running around.
I am sure that is the case, but as I have no wish to go to France, it doesn't bother me.
Can you imagine us trying to drive all the way to our place in France in an electric? Even if we could find charging points and didn't mind fast charging. It would be immensely frustrating and could even add another day to the journey, Unless we could guarantee a hotel room with a charging point for the overnight stop. And the vehicle would have to be capable of towing and have a good range, better than the ones normally quoted.
Agree, fine for just running around.

That would change with supercapacitors. Or hydrogen fuel cells. The answers are there, they just need the political will to make them happen. Hard when your donors want the opposite.
For the odd long haul trip, I would probably just rent a petrol car.
Good idea, but for us with dogs and the need to travel in the winter around the Dales, with all the dry stone walls you can't see over unless in a highish vehicle, don't know we'd want to pay the valeting charge on a noo disco or whatever!
Sell your car then....
I'd rather convert my Freelander to electric, unfortunately it's just too expensive to consider at this point.
There's a couple of electric Freelander conversions in progress in the Freelander section though. ;)
It takes the equivalent of burning 1.2L of petrol, to get 1L to a vehicle fuel tank, so it's an incredibly wasteful industry.
The move to electric vehicles will reduce the carbon footprint massively, dispite all the BS which says otherwise.
If I leave my ICE car for 6 months with a full tank of diesel, it will still have as near as makes no difference a full tank of diesel, leave you BEV for 6 months, depending on the weather, too hot or too cold and the battery will be significantly depleted due to the environmental conditioning. A BEV consumes power even when it's not being used.
That's not even remotely accurate, the opposite is true in fact.
The North and South poles reflect huge amounts of solar energy back into space, which is one of the main reasons they're so bloody cold.
If the soil was to absorb loads of heat, that makes the local area hotter.
I'm sorry but that statement is completely round the wrong way. Someone didn't do simple high-school physics to come up with BS like that. :confused:
Obviously the Uni that did the research were dumb:rolleyes:

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