Yeah, defo a minor blip, I've been enjoying this thread. Also, it's not easy working outside especially with how unpredictable the weather is at the moment. Great job, keep it coming.
Sorry about that mate, but at least you know now rather than later when it's on the road.
All the best,
Dont worry Andy I appreciate the shout, that why it gets posted, so you guys out there can observe and report all my fook ups

I keep looking at it and wondering how I ever thought that was right ;););)
Just read through this thread. Don't know how I haven't spotted it before, but it is great so far, thanks for posting.

I haven't seen anyone do so much welding in a rebuild before, I admire your determination ;) Interesting to hear that the TD engine was fitted recently. That's the first time I've heard of one being put in retrospectively, normally they are taken out and replaced! Hopefully it gives you good service, I believe the performance of this engine is not too bad thanks to the turbo.

Welcome to the Green Land Rover Ninety owners club by the way! Glad to see you are reusing the original steel wheels. They look good with some paint on them.:):)
Finished work at a reasonable hour, so I started to clean up the underside of the tub


Put some etch primer on the exposed alu


Removed the seat beats found a load of corrosion behind the bracket, I think I will plate it with sheet alu


Has anyone had to do this? Advice always welcome ;)
Interesting to hear that the TD engine was fitted recently. That's the first time I've heard of one being put in retrospectively, normally they are taken out and replaced! Hopefully it gives you good service, I believe the performance of this engine is not too bad thanks to the turbo.:):)

It does happen. I bought my 90 wit a Turner engine with 1k miles on it. Chap had fallen on hard times and couldn't run it. I put a new turbo, IP, heater matrix and injectors on it and it has been great for 25,000 miles, never had any trouble even though it is worked hard.

Has anyone had to do this? Advice always welcome ;)
That is a particularly nasty one but this is fairly common usually where the alloy meets steel.You might be able to cut a sheet of alloy bigger than the corroded area and drill and pop rivet it in a number of places around the edge. I think it is possible to weld the alloy, although difficult as it doesn't change colour at all before it melts.
Whatever you do, when you've done it make sure you get plenty of paint, mastic or whatever in between the alloy and any steel parts this will stop further problems.
That is a particularly nasty one but this is fairly common usually where the alloy meets steel.You might be able to cut a sheet of alloy bigger than the corroded area and drill and pop rivet it in a number of places around the edge. I think it is possible to weld the alloy, although difficult as it doesn't change colour at all before it melts.
Whatever you do, when you've done it make sure you get plenty of paint, mastic or whatever in between the alloy and any steel parts this will stop further problems.

Plate and rivet was my thinking, I've got some anti corrosion tape that we use at work for alu and steel

Cheers turbo
That my friend is spot on

Cheers ;)

No problem. Seeing your thread makes me wana do a strip down and rebuild of mine. Think my chassis will last a few more years if i clean it up patch and protect it.

Have you set yourself a budget for the work and parts?
No problem. Seeing your thread makes me wana do a strip down and rebuild of mine. Think my chassis will last a few more years if i clean it up patch and protect it.

Have you set yourself a budget for the work and parts?

I want to keep it less that a grand, I'm up to about £500 at the mo, but I still need to get a re con turbo

I ordered the paint for £60 today:(
sounds good I think I could do mine for £500 as Mine needs mainly hard graft, welding and paint.

Not may new parts.

I am tempted to get on with it. Space is my only issue!
Finished cleaning the bottom of the tub, put a coat of paint on ready to refit tomorrow




Sorry about the pics cameras cack in the dark

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