I'm outside all week in woolacombe, nice when its sunny, orrible when it's cold
North facing coast same as here! That's pretty far out in the back of beyond. I might be going to Chulmleigh to pick up a trailer, thought that was a mission to get to.
The sun finally came out :) so more cleaning and painting

Couldn't post yesterday as my wife went to market and bought chicks and I had to build an emergency chicken coop

Cleaned up the tub trims



Galv sprayed the hidden bits and primed them for painting



Rubbed down and cleaned so i could get the fuel tank connected, first bit of finished paintwork ( dark bronze green)



Then I made some replacement plates out of some alu I found in a skip


Riveted the trims on


And primed them up



Started to make the plate for the other side and made the left hand one again :doh::doh: ####



got some paint behind where the brackets go on the tub so we can bolt it on in the week


Hopefully get more done in the evenings this week, off to weld up mrs Bs disco today so no more progress on the 90
Had a couple of hours spare after work so I rubbed down the interior of the tub and primed it up




Anyone got any ideas on what to do with the tub floor, I was thinking either thin ply or some sort of rubber mat, it's only going to have to dogs on it
Painted mine the bronze green too. Nice choice!
I went for 6mm fluted rubber mat in the back. Bloody expensive though if you just buy a roll for that. A genuine moulded lr mat is expensive but certainly looks the part. Keep up the good work!
Anyone got any ideas on what to do with the tub floor, I was thinking either thin ply or some sort of rubber mat, it's only going to have to dogs on it
The fluted rubber mat is great and gives a nice original feel, but as posted it is dear, I haven't been able to find a cheap source. As mine is a working vehicle I just have a strip of old carpet in the back, would be non slip for the dog too!
Under it is a sheet of ply about 6 mm, and under that is a sheet of soundproofing mat to keep the noise down on long tows. The plywood is good, it protects the mat, but if you don't have a mat it protects the ali floor, which is quite soft. I have seen a neat hole punched in it when someone loaded an engine block with a stud left in it!
I got a roll of rubber matting from JTF, it is exactly the right width to cover my 90 floor and had enough to do drivers side floor as well. Got some left for seat box top and to cover battery etc.
Cant remember how much about 9.99 I think but it does the job:)
I'm outside all week in woolacombe, nice when its sunny, orrible when it's cold

Spent a week in Mortehoe last year on me hols... very nice.. when it wasn't raining ! :)
Visited Woolacombe....There was a bloody steep hill the other side.. had to stop to let someone past and couldn't get out of first gear for the rest of the climb !!

Nice work so far. :)
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Painted mine the bronze green too. Nice choice!
I went for 6mm fluted rubber mat in the back. Bloody expensive though if you just buy a roll for that. A genuine moulded lr mat is expensive but certainly looks the part. Keep up the good work!

Did you hand paint yours? I'm a little nervous about thinning the paint as at the moment it's bloody thick I ive no experience with painting
The fluted rubber mat is great and gives a nice original feel, but as posted it is dear, I haven't been able to find a cheap source. As mine is a working vehicle I just have a strip of old carpet in the back, would be non slip for the dog too!
Under it is a sheet of ply about 6 mm, and under that is a sheet of soundproofing mat to keep the noise down on long tows. The plywood is good, it protects the mat, but if you don't have a mat it protects the ali floor, which is quite soft. I have seen a neat hole punched in it when someone loaded an engine block with a stud left in it!

I need to do something as the floor you can see is already a replacement cover due to previous damage, it's not in great nick but it will do once its covered;)
Did you hand paint yours? I'm a little nervous about thinning the paint as at the moment it's bloody thick I ive no experience with painting
I never thin paint for brush or roller application, spraying is a different kettle of fish, never had much to do with it.
I need to do something as the floor you can see is already a replacement cover due to previous damage, it's not in great nick but it will do once its covered;)
Sheet of ply and a bit of old carpet would suit if you aint planning on a lot of long distance.
Thinning paint is good but depends on paint.

It will tell you on the tin what to thin it with, you will need a good undercoat around the same colour if you thin a lot, but you will get a better finish (and runs):D
Thinning paint is good but depends on paint.

It will tell you on the tin what to thin it with, you will need a good undercoat around the same colour if you thin a lot, but you will get a better finish (and runs):D

Bollox to it then its going on thick;)
Got a fair bit done today, cleaned up and fitted the rest of the tub trim and the alu trims that go under the doors


Only one pic today battery died, we update tomorrow
What a luverly day, got the fuel tank re connected and cap back on



Then we bolted the tub back on


Rubbed down the seat box and primed it up


Stripped back the vinyl trim and found another poxy hole

Welder back out again in the week :mad:


Painted up the seat pan and cab interior




I went for silver for the interior and wasnt sure but its growing on me now:confused:

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