Had an exciting drive home last night. Hit a pothole, well sinkhole so hard i almost broke my neck again
Steering went very funny, queue immediate panic as my steering wheel did this
Wheels are straight btw...
Crawled underneath to find a very bent track rod

Rang Gywn Lewis straight away sadly cant get parts before the weekend
But on the way, doing the D2 conversion same as my old one. Basically replaces the tiny weak Defender ball joint for a standard HD track rod end. Much easier to replace, set tracking and greaseable.
So went about "repairing" the old one as I can tell you driving with a bent rod is an interesting experience

First squash with forklift
Second now semi straight welded a 19mm stainless bar across it. Far from neat but it will do until Monday when the proper parts arrive from Gwyn!
TREs are also shagged, boots are split, one has play, others fairly gritty so either way the job needed doing!
I believe what happened is the track rod was bent slightly a while a go, 2 trips to salisbury didnt help and the pothole killed it!
In other news got sick of my interior light, even with an LED bulb so swapped out for a Mudstuff unit. Not exactly cheap but its bloody good! Lightbar vs stock headlights

Also got red for those Amsterdam vibes

So impressed ill probably buy another 2 for the rear and second row, eventually....
In even more fun news managed to get an Ashcroft ATB center for Β£250! So will be off to Nige at Xcess4x4 for an Ultrabuild for the rear and kept the ATB diff from the D2 which ill fit after the rears done and eventually get rebuilt when funds allow!
People often ask why I drive a 20 year old Land Rover built by a man, with a hammer in the North everyday and I always reply with price you pay for an icon and happiness

I even ask myself sometimes but at the end of the day it brings my joy, gives me something to do, something to build. Teaches me new processes, skills constantly. Its access to adventure and fun!
And because of LR ownership ive met some of my best mates, I have the job I do now, where 12 years ago I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. So forever grateful for the ridiculous money spending and long weekends it brings