Sent the D2 ECU off to Empire HQ to be converted to Defender software and a couple software tweaks.
Also started working on the lift, totally forgot how much is involved to do it properly. Last time it was as and when parts failed over a few years but this time I want the suspension on before the cage is on so im not driving a top heavy boat!
Got Pioneer sorting some extended brake lines for me, including across rear axle and direct to caliper front lines. Makes doing calipers, shafts, hubs etc.. am absolute breeze and a huge time saver!
Also managed to get a pair of A Frame arms for £50, couldnt believe the prices from breakers at 170+!!!
Just means I can build up a wide angle A Frame with superpro bushes and do a direct swap.
Gywn Lewis cranked rear arms
Designed, laser cut & welded some HD Front turrets, not finished yet so no pics.
Same for some HD spring retainers. Not doing dislocation cones, not a fan.
Laser cut some spacer plates for the anti roll bar too, cant be spending £40 on a block of steel when I can make it
Bailey Morries wide angle HD rear prop...

A lot of parts...

Actual suspension set up will be the same as the old 110.
OME Springs + Koni HT Raids.
They gave an excellent ride with all the added weight on the old 110 so why change it?
Aiming to get all of this done before the end of the year, time is not my friend at the moment!
This was alot easier when I lived at home