Well-Known Member
Went back to my parents house today with the intent on sorting the D2 ready for sale.
Its all clean, tidy and ready to go, nice productive morning.
So turned my attention to the 110, though Id make a start on the +2" lift process.
Got lovely custom braided lines from Pioneer and fresh brake fluid ready to go.
Pulled the front wheels off to plusgas all the joints only to find that i need 2 new calipers and pads

Far from ideal. Bearing in mind I checked pads when I did the undersealing a couple weeks ago.
Shocking thing is, brakes are fine, it stops well - better than any previous Def Ive owned. Stranger part its zero noise! Glad I found the issue.
The 110 will sit now until I get pads & calipers. Both of which on order.
Its all clean, tidy and ready to go, nice productive morning.
So turned my attention to the 110, though Id make a start on the +2" lift process.
Got lovely custom braided lines from Pioneer and fresh brake fluid ready to go.
Pulled the front wheels off to plusgas all the joints only to find that i need 2 new calipers and pads

Far from ideal. Bearing in mind I checked pads when I did the undersealing a couple weeks ago.
Shocking thing is, brakes are fine, it stops well - better than any previous Def Ive owned. Stranger part its zero noise! Glad I found the issue.
The 110 will sit now until I get pads & calipers. Both of which on order.