All righty then... It's on ;)

I'm meeting a strange man under the clock tower at 11:00 :cool:

Apparently, he's wearing a dark suit, winkle pickers and a trilby o_O

How will I recognise him :eek:


DubbleRR said he was coming by. I sent him a PM, but no reply so far.... I left my address & postcode and phone number. Now I need to find out which of my Win 10 laptops is the least hateful to do the software thingy...

You might have to right-click and run it in compatibility mode. Win 7 compatibility usually works.
my rsw software runs on win 10 quite well. it's a pain searching for the comms port usually number 4 or 7. It's been pretty reliable so far. Unlike the bus itself... Long time rebuild is underway..
I haven't a bloody clue how to get this programme to open in my Win 7. Nothing appear to work or want to work. Load CD, icons & folders appear, but nothing I can mae any sense of o_O

It has a OBD2 to serial port, then serial port to USB. The Serial/USB has it's own driver in a small CD which has loaded. But not sure how to get the big CD contents to load if that makes sense (I'm a feckin mechanic not a computer genius :p)
Do you have teamviewer on one of your laptops? If you know someone who's used the software before and you both have teamviewer, easy for them to walk you through it. (free for personal use)
Good news everyone, George sat up all night exactly as I left her, so no leaks in the system. Drove into town & back and decided I needed to let the fronts down a but and raise the rears. All good. Am going to tidy up the kit later on, but what I'll do is (once she's been re-progged) raise her to full height, lower her onto axle stands and release the air. Then tidy up the install and inflate the bags then fire her up so she can sort herself out.

I am currently disassembling the pump and am wondering what size allan key I need to remove the piston from the motor? I haven't got one in the house and will likely need to buy one, but being a Wallace & Gromit affair, is it metric, imperial, AF, Whitworth, Morcombe & Wise or Dr Who? :D

Thank you chaps :cool:
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of course vera the stunner and the blocks for propping the chassis up off the axles with the luck your having right now!!! :p
the madness is a side effect of owning füzzing range rover, pretty much across this part of the forum..:rolleyes:
mine is brake line madness,then it'll be leaking fuel pump madness followed by tyre madness and complete loss of savings madness.........

Thanks for that. I downloaded a Win RAR file, unlocked it and now have something that looks feasible. Only small issue is it flagged up as I unlocked it that I hadn't set a comm port and do so using the drop down box!? I found it, but unsure which port to use? I have 3 USB ports, but not sure how to identify them! Anyone help?

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