pipes all bent and ready to go on but cant get the flaring right, more practice needed I think?
anyone know the best tool to use? im currently trying with the sealey type pic attached, its areal pain in the arse to get right??
If you are using cupronickel flaring should be easy. First you need to know if you need a double flare or a single flare. Look at the old pipes. Also Land rover use a tube nut that is flat at the nose so the back of the flare is square. Best to use new tube nuts which don't use a flat backed flare. Look at the mandrel you are using. At the thick end there is a ring the height of that should be used as a guide as to how far the pipe sits above the face of the tool. A fraz more is ok but don't go any less than the height of the ring. Make sure the end of the pipe is clean and square. Place in tool use height gauge to determine protrusion then tighten clamp. This must be very tight fingers just won't do the job use a pair of grips to tighten it. Then put mandrel into pipe and apply flaring clamp to it. Tighten down until it will go no further. Remove clamp and you should have a single flare. If you need a double flare remove mandrel and re apply flaring clamp to pipe and tighten down. Remove clamp and you will have a double flare. Male tube nuts usually use a single flare, female tube nuts usually use a double flare.