Good choice on the colour of the roof - it's all with in touching distance now :)

Aaron what spats are you fitting, they look like the lacquered standard size type.?!
Good choice on the colour of the roof - it's all with in touching distance now :)

Aaron what spats are you fitting, they look like the lacquered standard size type.?!

Yeah not far of now mate :) Thought it would be to much all one colour.
And yes they're just standard spats
Beautiful finish on those spats and roof, its like a mirror :) Bit smoother than mine put on with a brush and roller :)
Beautiful finish on those spats and roof, its like a mirror :) Bit smoother than mine put on with a brush and roller :)

Cheers. Yeah its not to bad to be fair, Spats came out better than I thought :)
Painting really isn't that hard and would tell any one to give it a bash.

Don't get me wrong I've brush painted a landy before but wouldn't do it again after me new found talent :eek:
Well not a bad day I suppose.
Not as much as I had hoped to get done but hay-ho.

Pic of grill from yesterday.


Then I fitted the chequer plate to the bonnet.


Bonnet fitted, Bit of a fiasco mind, I ordered some bonnet bushes from lr direct. When they came they had gave me a pack of 10, Great thought I. But oh no not one of them would fit, They was all to tight on the hinge part of the bonnet, So had to use a bit of sand paper to get them some thing like, Took bloody ages anorl :mad:
Front end starting to take shape.


Grill fitted.


Fitted the rear spats. Put the roof on so I could line the doors up right, Passenger door lines up bob on, But going to have another play with the drivers door. Took the roof back of for now so I can put it back in the garage out of prying eyes.
Apologies for the crap pics was dark yet again when I came in


Finally sorted my power steering leak :) End up just getting a new pipe. Was no point messing about for what they cost.
And fitted the header tank and all associated pipe work.
Truely inspirational. Top quality work there mate! Makes me wanna crack on and start rebuilding my 110! :)

Cheers, I'd say go for it mate, It's worth the effort and everything will be as you want it when you're done :) When this is finished I'll be building another one for my brother. Provided he can find the right vehicle at the right price.

Not far off being finished!

Looks ace in that colour :)

Cheers, Colours grown on me since if painted the first panel. But still cant decide on what colour it is :confused: (Its ment to be anthracite but not really sure)
probably another couple of weeks to sort all the silly little things left to do. The last 10% always takes the longest but will get there eventually :)
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Well not a bad day I suppose.
Not as much as I had hoped to get done but hay-ho.

Pic of grill from yesterday.


Then I fitted the chequer plate to the bonnet.


Bonnet fitted, Bit of a fiasco mind, I ordered some bonnet bushes from lr direct. When they came they had gave me a pack of 10, Great thought I. But oh no not one of them would fit, They was all to tight on the hinge part of the bonnet, So had to use a bit of sand paper to get them some thing like, Took bloody ages anorl :mad:
Front end starting to take shape.


Grill fitted.


Fitted the rear spats. Put the roof on so I could line the doors up right, Passenger door lines up bob on, But going to have another play with the drivers door. Took the roof back of for now so I can put it back in the garage out of prying eyes.
Apologies for the crap pics was dark yet again when I came in


Looks really good everytime I see you done more to it i really can't wait to get my 90 even more!!!!! =]
This is a fantastic re build project mate hats off to you!
I really do like the colour with other various parts painted black. I don't think it would of looked so good if it was all the same colour. I know painting and body work is something that takes a lot of time and patience (something which I haven't got!) so it will all be very rewarding I'm sure when you see the finished product!

As for face masks I'm sure I have a decent spare one kicking about if you want it? Its new might I add! haha
Looks really good everytime I see you done more to it i really can't wait to get my 90 even more!!!!! =]

Cheers bud, And yeah they're the dogs danglies. Cant wait for mine to be on the road.

Aaron what tyres have you got on those freestyles.?! I like them a lot ;)

I forgot to mention, my neighbour purchased this system and is very positive about its performance - The recording was exceptional far beyond my expectations.

ZMODO 4 Indoor Outdoor Day Night CCTV Home Security Camera Recording System 500G | eBay

Not sure exactly what tyres they are mate. But I'm pretty sure they're a bfg mud terrain copy. Will find out more for you tomorrow.

And most camera's are ok in they day, Don't suppose you've seen any footage in the dark?
This is a fantastic re build project mate hats off to you!
I really do like the colour with other various parts painted black. I don't think it would of looked so good if it was all the same colour. I know painting and body work is something that takes a lot of time and patience (something which I haven't got!) so it will all be very rewarding I'm sure when you see the finished product!

As for face masks I'm sure I have a decent spare one kicking about if you want it? Its new might I add! haha

Thanks mate,
Yeah I think all one colour would have been to much, Glad I painted a few bits black, Should set it of nicely when its done.

And I haven't got any patience ether mate, Its the prep work that does my head in. Doesn't help that the body wasn't the best to start with and I want near perfection :eek: The neighbors must think I belong in a metal home when I go off on one :eek:
Doesn't happen vary often but some times I just have to explode :lol:

And yes please mate for the mask. Ill send you a PM :)
Cheers bud, And yeah they're the dogs danglies. Cant wait for mine to be on the road.

Not sure exactly what tyres they are mate. But I'm pretty sure they're a bfg mud terrain copy. Will find out more for you tomorrow.

And most camera's are ok in they day, Don't suppose you've seen any footage in the dark?

Yes thats what I was shown, the quality rather good if i'm honest you could certainly identify a person by what they were wearing, however once the security light kicked in it was unbelievable....crystal clear!

I'll ask him if I can take a photograph of some of his footage and text you it mate.
Yes thats what I was shown, the quality rather good if i'm honest you could certainly identify a person by what they were wearing, however once the security light kicked in it was unbelievable....crystal clear!

I'll ask him if I can take a photograph of some of his footage and text you it mate.

Ah fair enough sounds pretty good. And ermmmm.... my phone doesn't receive picture messages :eek: Its a cheapo £10 thing. But if you could pm me some that would be good mate :)

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