Hi, that was a nice landy, shame you had to sell it. Are you going to rebuild the 200tdi as well?

On a more serious note guys, becareful about ****ing the neighbours off, they have more rights than you think, I know from experience. Some sh"t grassed on me for repairing cars at home and the council sent 2 guys around and they sat in there car for about 3 months taking notes of all car reg's that came to my house, didn't matter whether they were visiting or being repair they were on the list. Then they sent me a threatening letter telling me this was a warning and next time I would be in court.:mad:
They also told me I could work on "my" cars Monday to Friday-7am to7pm and Saturday-10am to 2pm. So my hands were tied sort of, I made a noise between the hours they told me, so I still ****ed the neighbour off.:D
And don't repair family members cars at your address if they aren't registered there, they class that as running a business from home.
So enjoy what you're doing and sod the neighbours, that's what I say.:D
Build one then lol that would **** next door off :D

If it was my own house I wouldn't even have to think about it.

Hi, that was a nice landy, shame you had to sell it. Are you going to rebuild the 200tdi as well?

On a more serious note guys, becareful about ****ing the neighbours off, they have more rights than you think, I know from experience. Some sh"t grassed on me for repairing cars at home and the council sent 2 guys around and they sat in there car for about 3 months taking notes of all car reg's that came to my house, didn't matter whether they were visiting or being repair they were on the list. Then they sent me a threatening letter telling me this was a warning and next time I would be in court.:mad:
They also told me I could work on "my" cars Monday to Friday-7am to7pm and Saturday-10am to 2pm. So my hands were tied sort of, I made a noise between the hours they told me, so I still ****ed the neighbour off.:D
And don't repair family members cars at your address if they aren't registered there, they class that as running a business from home.
So enjoy what you're doing and sod the neighbours, that's what I say.:D

Cheers :). It was a shame but I'll just build a betterer one this time :D So I guess that answers your other question. Yes I will be rebuilding the 200 :)

As for neighbours it's only one of them that's got a problem with it.
I asked her when she would like me to work on mine and family or friends cars and her reply was "NEVER"
End of the day me or my family can't afford to pay garage bills. And bearing in mind I worked in a garage for a while I have no intention of ever doing so. Any way enough of that rant.

Was is it privately owned or council house when they enforced that on you?
Never realised it could go that far :(
The house was mine, and the housing estate wasn't council and I was paying the mortgage on it. They even told me I couldn't repair cars belonging to my family at my address, I had to go to the address on the logbook to fix them. I got of light with a warning. So after that I started repairing them in the street and even that could've got me a fine.
I had one neighbour who complained to me about what I was doing before I got the warning. When I got the letter I had a go at him, only it turned out to be a fat coward who worked as a security guard who lived along the street. I got my own back.;)
The house was mine, and the housing estate wasn't council and I was paying the mortgage on it. They even told me I couldn't repair cars belonging to my family at my address, I had to go to the address on the logbook to fix them. I got of light with a warning. So after that I started repairing them in the street and even that could've got me a fine.
I had one neighbour who complained to me about what I was doing before I got the warning. When I got the letter I had a go at him, only it turned out to be a fat coward who worked as a security guard who lived along the street. I got my own back.;)

Fair enough. Just realised you're in France so your rules may be slightly different.
Either way I'll just carry on as I am.
I have had a few letters of complaints " council ' planning permission ' environment health the lot all for fixing my own motors . Stupid nosey basterds in the street . They have that much time on there hands to perv on us and watch why don't they get off there ass n get a grinder or spanner n help . Best part is my moms house in brought .
My house bought, removed implied right of access and told council to #### off.

They said would send a letter and I wished them luck lol died a death
At the time I had the agro I was living in Stoke on Trent. Now I'm in France I don't have a problem:D.
After I got the threatening letter I abided by there rules, but I made as much noise as I wanted in the hours they said I could work, for a few months.
At the time I had the agro I was living in Stoke on Trent. Now I'm in France I don't have a problem:D.
After I got the threatening letter I abided by there rules, but I made as much noise as I wanted in the hours they said I could work, for a few months.

Lol i do admit stoke has it fair share of numptys

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