Haha just some thing else to go wrong :behindsofa: Iv actually already got a pedal lock, Cant remember the make of it mind. But my brother seems to have acquired it since mines in bits. If I can find a HUGE chain cheap ish, Ill chain it to the ground :)

Cheers, Thanks for the positive comments :)

Thats my plan.. to secure it to the ground
Well matey, I'm nearing the end and almost ready for paint. I've just used filler to level off the tub, I couldn't for the life of me find a solid TD5 one, same with the doors. Hope to have paint on in the next 3 month :)

Have no idea what colour...any ideas.?
Well matey, I'm nearing the end and almost ready for paint. I've just used filler to level off the tub, I couldn't for the life of me find a solid TD5 one, same with the doors. Hope to have paint on in the next 3 month :)

Have no idea what colour...any ideas.?

G4 orange :D
Well matey, I'm nearing the end and almost ready for paint. I've just used filler to level off the tub, I couldn't for the life of me find a solid TD5 one, same with the doors. Hope to have paint on in the next 3 month :)

Have no idea what colour...any ideas.?

Well you don't mess about do you, Your body work must be better than mine it takes me fooking ages to get mine right.
As for colour, Ermmm... not really sure, took me ages to choose mine.

G4 orange :D

G4 orange is very nice on the right vehicle :)
G4 Orange is very striking!!!

Mmmmm....I think I'm rather keen on the good old fashioned solid Red with a white roof.
G4 Orange is very striking!!!

Mmmmm....I think I'm rather keen on the good old fashioned solid Red with a white roof.

Red and white is also a good combination.
This is my old one.
So more prep work today.
Both doors and the truck cab roof are now ready for primer.
Will hopefully get that done first thing in the morning.
Crap pictures I know. But it was dark when I came in again.



Hopefully the weather will hold out, As I want every thing except the arches painted this weekend.
Black roof is hotter white roof is cooler. Roofs the same color was Land Rover saving production money=more profit
Today is a good day :) Nothing fitted but plenty of painting done. In fact I fitted one thing the vent flaps :p

Doors prepped.



And the same treatment for the roof.


Eventually sorted a new air line out yesterday so got on with the primmer this morning.




While that lot was drying got the top coat on the bonnet and front grill.
No pics of the grill I seem to have forgot.
Next job was to flat the primmer down on the doors.
And then the top coat :)



And the hinges.


Wont be fitting the doors for a few days as I'm waiting for some new door handles to arrive.

Also managed to paint the roof and the rear arches but it was to dark to get pics by the time I came in.
Also coughing and wheezing with all the paint inhalation. Really should learn my lesson, as it'll probably end badly one day :eek:
Just been out to have a look at the spats and the roof, twas kinda dark when I was painting them so was just hoping they came out alright.




Came out pretty well to be honest :)
Very nice!! You're doing a great job, Aaron! :)

Cheers not far off now :)

The understatement of the year! Amazing job your doing there!

Yeah I can be hard on my self at times if its anything but perfect.

Thanks for a great read looks like a mammoth task for me but you make it look easy

No worries, Thanks for the positive comments, I've stripped one in the past when my mate rolled his, But its the first one I've actually had to put back together and its gone easier than I thought it would :)

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