After a bit of advise, The truck cab window used to rattle like mad, Has anyone got a simple way of stopping it, And I don't want to silicone it shut :lol:
Get a small rubber door stop type thing from dyas or somewhere and push it inbetween the 2 bits of glass?

So the day started here,




And got them fitted along with the slam panel. Tidied most of the wiring in the wings up, Got power to all the lights now just got to fit them tomorrow.


The paint was flaki
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So the paint was flaking of the chequer plate so I decided to paint it,


I used a grinder with a wire wheel to remove the paint. Which it didn't take to kindly to when it started smoking :eek:


Looking a bit better :)
used an etch primer then high build and a top coat.



While I had the paint out I though I might as well do a few other bits,
So I took the truck cab window to bits and painted that as well as the exhaust ring :p


Also painted the headlight surrounds and grill, Thought I might as well while I was painting, If it looks crap on I'll change the colour of them at a later date.

Started of today by fitting the wing top chequer plate, Headlight surrounds and lights. And they all worked first time :D



Next job was to reassemble the hinges, And fit the tailgate.


Truck cab window was reassembled.
Looks better with a fresh coat of paint.


And fitted :)



Then I moved on to some more prep work. Got the bonnet and front panel done so pretty happy :)

Any one know if this should have an O ring between these :confused:
Filled it up today and it ****ed straight back out :eek:
Its where it bolts to the pas pump

Not a lot done tonight. Just the bonnet and front panel in primmer.
****ed of because my air line also started leaking :mad: So need to try and find a replacement asap.


That's very true lol I will prob put central locking on mine just so I can have the button :p
Hoping this might be helpful to you?
ardcase - ultimate defender security

Haha just some thing else to go wrong :behindsofa: Iv actually already got a pedal lock, Cant remember the make of it mind. But my brother seems to have acquired it since mines in bits. If I can find a HUGE chain cheap ish, Ill chain it to the ground :)

Lookiing very good :) Nice work :)

Cheers, Thanks for the positive comments :)

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