When I had mine off the road for 3 or 4 years it was insured just for theft somehow (my dad sorted it out for me through the broker he uses).

Could another option be to park it up out of the way and make it not possible to steal, you put it on axle stands remove the wheels and take the battery or something like that.

It may be a stupid idea bit thats what i would be thinking instead of selling.

Can you not sit it somewhere thats harder to access for the 6 months or if it has to be on the drive remove some bits so it can't be easily pinched and a big chain round something, the house maybe.

Strip it and re build it in your back garden, or even better in the living room?

There you go, strip it over the next 3 months then rebuild it over the following 3 months and then you'll have the monies.

take the rear axle off, that'l stop em

Storing it is an option, But its on a main road and could be easily hi abed away. I could put it down the side of the house but then I cant get in the garage :eek:

I can be a bit rash when making decisions so hopefully I will make the right one.
Storing it is an option, But its on a main road and could be easily hi abed away. I could put it down the side of the house but then I cant get in the garage :eek:

I can be a bit rash when making decisions so hopefully I will make the right one.

What if you roll it in on rims with no tyres? -6 inch ish
Storing it is an option, But its on a main road and could be easily hi abed away. I could put it down the side of the house but then I cant get in the garage :eek:

I can be a bit rash when making decisions so hopefully I will make the right one.

If you don't need to access your garage all that often then maybe that could be an option, will do it good to run and move every now and then anyway.

Just decide that you're going to keep it then work on the details when you need to.
Well that's it. I've decided to sell it I think :( I just cant justify it sitting there :( and would rather some one else enjoy it.
Reality is I should have took longer to do it and saved up during the restoration :eek:

Question is how much do I ask for it? Or do I just put it on an ebay auction and let it run. Input would be greatly appreciated :)

Oh and a few pics from today. gave it a bit of a clean and removed all the unwanted rammel from the cab :eek:







If you don't need to access your garage all that often then maybe that could be an option, will do it good to run and move every now and then anyway.

Just decide that you're going to keep it then work on the details when you need to.

As above its got to go :( But yes my brothers got a 110 so need to access my tool box often :lol:
Don't get how you could think about selling it! you'l never buy one in such a good state!
Must be worth a bit considering its a big rebuild!
Just insure it on a laid up policy, ie. just fire and theft. I do that for my Series III as it gets very little use - only costs me £50 a year.

That's in a locked up proper garage like, so it would likely be slightly more if on a drive, but still cheaper than a road risk policy.
Could you not get a 0% credit card for 12 months and pay the insurance like that? :behindsofa:

To be honest I hate credit, If I haven't got the money I don't get it. That's if they'd even give me one.

That's a shame but if that's how you feel then good luck, hope you get a good price for it.

Cheers, Really don't want it to go :(

Don't get how you could think about selling it! you'l never buy one in such a good state!
Must be worth a bit considering its a big rebuild!

Your probably right, Just a vicious circle with regards to money. Can always build another and just hope the same doesn't happen again.
I just feel a bigger injustice would be done letting it sit on the drive doing nothing. Would rather some one else enjoy it.
Yes its had a big rebuild but I don't even know were to start the pricing to be honest. What do you think?

I really really like this defender, shame that you have to sell it.

Yes its a real shame. Blood sweat and tears have gone in to this (literally)
But I'll be back :)

Just insure it on a laid up policy, ie. just fire and theft. I do that for my Series III as it gets very little use - only costs me £50 a year.

That's in a locked up proper garage like, so it would likely be slightly more if on a drive, but still cheaper than a road risk policy.

Would be worth considering but as above I feel a bigger injustice would be done letting it just sit there :(
My bro is after a defender. How far r you from an airport/boat?

I'm about 20minutes from Finningley airport
And about 1hour from Leeds / Bradford airport
Not sure were the nearest boat yard is so couldn't say.
But if you want PM me and ill give you an address so you could get a better idea.
Total up what you've spent on parts and materials and how much time is in it. With the time you need to be quite ruthless though, a lot of time is spent drinking tea, chatting to people, weighing up the options and deciding what to do next and taking pictures and what not. I'd say if I spend 4 hours in the garage one night, I'm lucky if I get 2 hours actual work done. Get a total on what you've invested in it, get something for your time other wise it's all pointless, and see what you need to get back for it. No point making a loss or you'd be better off just giving people money to help them buy a Land Rover. See what it's cost you, put a price on your time and take that as minimum offer. If you enjoy doing them you could do a few more, keep a bit aside each time and make the last one your own, then you'd have some money there for insurance etc.
Total up what you've spent on parts and materials and how much time is in it. With the time you need to be quite ruthless though, a lot of time is spent drinking tea, chatting to people, weighing up the options and deciding what to do next and taking pictures and what not. I'd say if I spend 4 hours in the garage one night, I'm lucky if I get 2 hours actual work done. Get a total on what you've invested in it, get something for your time other wise it's all pointless, and see what you need to get back for it. No point making a loss or you'd be better off just giving people money to help them buy a Land Rover. See what it's cost you, put a price on your time and take that as minimum offer. If you enjoy doing them you could do a few more, keep a bit aside each time and make the last one your own, then you'd have some money there for insurance etc.

Yea I've just had a rough add up of parts and materials. Made sure I was lying down at the time :eek: Its the time I'm struggling with though. Would say there is at least 150+ hours in it, But as you say a lot of time is spent mincing about, Although I'm a loner so work on mi own most of the time. Just have to talk to my self :lol:
Not a clue on a price for my time but as long as I got the best part of the build costs back I would be happy.

And yes I have really enjoyed doing this and would like to do another one in the not to distance future. Not sure the neighbours enjoy the air being turned blue from time to time mind :eek:

im 21 and pay £500 to insure my 200tdi

Really! I cant get it any were near that, Maybe I just live in a sh*t hole. Or you live some were really posh :)
Yea I've just had a rough add up of parts and materials. Made sure I was lying down at the time :eek: Its the time I'm struggling with though. Would say there is at least 150+ hours in it, But as you say a lot of time is spent mincing about, Although I'm a loner so work on mi own most of the time. Just have to talk to my self :lol:
Not a clue on a price for my time but as long as I got the best part of the build costs back I would be happy.

And yes I have really enjoyed doing this and would like to do another one in the not to distance future. Not sure the neighbours enjoy the air being turned blue from time to time mind :eek:

Really! I cant get it any were near that, Maybe I just live in a sh*t hole. Or you live some were really posh :)

Yeah I normally just half my time, usually works out about right. £10 an hour is a decent figure, minimum wage plus a bit for electricity and consumables etc. You could have had a second job stacking shelves in Asda or something instead of doing a load of work no one's going to pay you for. You've done a cracking job so why not get something for it?

I'd have thought you could get over £5000 for it anyway.

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