Got this second hand head I am rebuilding to replace mine. Just wanted to point out a few marks and get some opinions?
There are a few chips of metal stuck to the cylinder section around the valves, some as little dips into the head and some as slight raised sections.
Also there looks to be some scoring between cylinders 2&3 in the centre, and some pitting on the head as in pic one. Its on the cylinder bit and around/on the little triangle bit to the right on the head face (pic 2). (excuse the dumb explanation, I don't know the technical names)/
Is this head good to put to use or is it scrap? I was covered in oil when I got it so I had no way of seeing these marks until I started to clean it. I was told it has been resurfaced and pressure tested, went back on a landy then the gearbox failed to was stripped for parts. I am yet to see if its warped, need to get me an engineers ruler.