What have you done to your Landie today.

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Last couple of days I've had the dash on and off fitting a GPS tracker, still got some wiring to do, looking forward to seein it work! Nifty bit of kit! Today I pushed a bulb back in that had come out, pushed my indicator wireinf back in its place after it came out. Greeced rear door hinges, all locks and smeared some over a bubbling patch on the bulk head :)
Yeah I have no idea what to do. MoT friday and I can't afford new tyres.

Fleabay, anything cheap which will fit. I got an Landy wheel, tyre (turned out to be new) and wheel cover for £6.50 as my second spare.

No point in putting anything decent on yet in case it happens again.
After a friend bough his landrover from the same person who i purchased mine, we decieded to have both out chassis re waxoyled, after pressure washing to create a clean surface. on his defender large cunks of what seemed to be roofing felt were pealing off the chassis, turns out the b@+!!£d had put a 1mm steel patch on the chassis, glued that on, then covered that in roofing felt and then put a load of waxoil on top. After going round both cars with a screw driver prior to pressure washing we thought the chassis were solid but oh no, a new chassis is required for his defender, thankfully i got off lightly with just a small hole about the size of a golf ball in the drivers side chassis rail!

some people these days!
Looking at the wonderful weather.. best time to fix the landy in months and months.. and then wondering if the parts will arrive today
Worked out where lexus auto box lever will go and modified the transmission tunnel
put these on to day not the best looking thing to put on a landy but if it slows them down steeling it it will do for me


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I've had mine for around 2 years and his for around 1 month, he has tried but when the listing says "sold as seen" you can see how he covered his ass! He also tried to sell a defender 200tdi with a "galvanised chassis" about 1 week ago and he had just sprayed it silver!
I've had mine for around 2 years and his for around 1 month, he has tried but when the listing says "sold as seen" you can see how he covered his ass! He also tried to sell a defender 200tdi with a "galvanised chassis" about 1 week ago and he had just sprayed it silver!

Sounds like a rite con artist!
I've had mine for around 2 years and his for around 1 month, he has tried but when the listing says "sold as seen" you can see how he covered his ass! He also tried to sell a defender 200tdi with a "galvanised chassis" about 1 week ago and he had just sprayed it silver!

"sold as seen" means feck all. have a read of this http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f16/buying-crock-****-if-you-already-have-76002.html

your mate can still take it back and get his money back irregardless of what it says on the listing.
Yeah he really is! And he is just an individual no company name, it had passed its mot about 1 week after purchasing too! Plus my mate has already bought the new chassis and it will be arriving on Friday! He paid around £3500 from memory, chassis wasn't the only bad bit, it needs new brakes all round etc... Doesn't help when I found a landie the same price that was perfect for him but the "wrong" colour so he went off on his own and bought a piece of sh!t without taking me to have a good look!