said " sorry " to it ..
one possible mistake on my part,
plus a 'not-tried-this-one-yet' fueling tweak, now lets see how it drives,
then a 30mile exceptionally heavey-right-foot [for me] drive .. with hillclimbs,
resulted in a leaking water pump gasket / seal.

back to the docs surgery .. soonish.
have applied a bandaid .. looks to have worked for now.
though .. can only be only a temporary fix.
though .. it occured at 200k+mileage,
neighbours yeti coolant pump leaked at 50k miles.
one possible mistake on my part,
plus a 'not-tried-this-one-yet' fueling tweak, now lets see how it drives,
then a 30mile exceptionally heavey-right-foot [for me] drive .. with hillclimbs,
resulted in a leaking water pump gasket / seal.
back to the docs surgery .. soonish.
have applied a bandaid .. looks to have worked for now.
though .. can only be only a temporary fix.
though .. it occured at 200k+mileage,
neighbours yeti coolant pump leaked at 50k miles.