Today I fitted last year's Xmas gift

i.e a Boomslang loom. Many write ups abound so I'll only comment on specific issues. The main one being it took about 3 hours to fit, more about that below. Points:
1. Looks well made, terminals crimped on hard with heat shrink etc.
2. Enough length to run the cable from the LHS light box, along the bottom of the rad attached to the oil cooler hose and up into the RHS box, with about 1" of slack either end.
3. Wire colours are, red and blue for the light feeds, hi's and earths to the lamp connectors, but the battery/alternator power feed is also red to the fuse then blue into the relays?
4. Enough live cable to reach the battery but I chopped it so it goes straight to the + on the alternator with the fuse by the relay.
5. Biggest time waster, not all Boomslang's fault, is it appears to be plug and play if you don't have lamp bowls

If like on mine you do, then the terminals have to be removed from the connector, fed through the witches' hat grommet in the bowl, and the terminals on B/S connectors have to be removed from the ceramic connectors and fed back thought the grommet before assembling the connector within the bowl. Ok no big deal, I know how to use a jeweller's screwdriver to release the terminals but it is a big deal when in the distant past, the terminals have got so hot they welded to the plastic connectors Had to break to RHS one so that needs replacing (no matter as this is redundant in the B/S set up, but I want to keep it stock in case I revert, and it's a handy hi beam feed for any spotlights). Then can't get the terminals through the witches hat as they are crimped on post insertion; after a bit of surgery with the Stanley knife I got the grommet and wires out.
6. Putting the B/S wires in was also fun as the wires/insulation are a little thicker so witches' hat didn't quite fit; amazing what vaseline and brute force can achieve

A wind or two of amalgamating tape made the hat complete again.
7. Relays came in a holder as did the in-line 40A fuse but no brackets for the relay holder, so for now these have been cable tied to a convenient and sheltered place.
8. Was it worth it? Haven't been for drive yet as I had a couple of beers to recuperate but putting them on in the dark a while ago they did seem to be brighter, and this was off the battery without the engine running. I'll feedback more in a day or two. There's also the peace of mind that high current isn't going through the switches etc now. It does look from the connectors and previous MoTs that there have been electrical issues, and when the conversion was done they had to rewire the dash and fuse board because it was quote "a f***ing mess and unsafe!"
Happy days.
Next pre MoT rear shock absorbers. I was going for Monroes but willing to listen to any advice. Normal road use, rarely off road anymore, don't tow and rarely carry anything heavy. Good price that works and lasts. Cheers.
Edit 20/08/19 00.002
Thanks for all the advice.
In the end I went to eBay for a pair of Armstrongs (£48.95, click n collect, from uklandroverspares) although was tempted to go for Monroe gas (£67.68, free delivery from aceparts_uk) but for the usage she gets oil filled will do. Should arrive on Friday so a little job for the weekend.