Well, the installation of the Amateur Radio set is about 60% done on that as at today. Good lord, who the hell designed the Disco? Must have been a ruddy small person (Can't say "midget" anymore, might **** someone off!), 'cause those damned torx screws for the storage boxes in the boot trim are an utter bastard to get at!
Anyhoo, antenna cable in place, antenna mount in place, storage box wall braces with a lump of MDF-like stuff, radio mounted inside it securely, control head location fixed and clip installed (on the dash, as I'd wanted), although the run of the cables will be different than I'd planned, the roof lining is a cast-iron sod to work with, so I'm not going to bother, I'll run the cables along the edge of the sills inside, and then up to and onto the dash that way

That lot'll be done next , and then it's tapping the power cables to the accessory socket in the boot, match the antenna for VSWR, and job done
Right, this is the trim, minus it's ever-to-be-cursed coverplate (and yeah, i know the car needs a wash!). Screw 1 holds the top cover to the "escutcheon-rear-seat belt". That was dead easy to get off (crosshead screw, and off it pops). Screws 2-5 were utter sods. They're torx screws, and located in places only a person of 12 inches high could easily get at. Anyhow, I eventually got the ******* things off, and removed the "pocket quarter-trim" or coverplate, as I'm calling it.
This is the inside face of the coverplate, with a gash bit of MDF-like wood bolted to it to provide bracing and rigidity, and the radio bracket attached.
This is the front view of the finally-mucked-about-with coverplate. I could probably find some stuff to cover the bolt heads with, but honestly, who's likely to look there aside from me and the MoT examiner?
Oh, and if you thought getting the damned thing off was a sod, try screwing the darn thing back in again! AAAAARGH!

More when the job's completed