Yup, there is a prejudice in the UK and in most of Europe that auto-boxes are prone to go wrong / are more expensive / I can do better myself - etc.
I have an auto TD4 having had a manual previously and I have to admit that I can't do as good a job off road or in the snow and ice as the auto-box can.
With 'sport' mode and 'Command Shift' I have the best of both worlds.
I've followed the big boys off road and frequently have had to wait for them to get going again after a duff change.
Yes I know the perfect driver who never makes mistakes and is always in the correct gear will never feel any benefit blah, blah, blah. If we are truly honest with ourselves we must all admit to having chosen the wrong gear - sometimes.
On a LR Experience day I've done the back to back tests / comparisons and I'm very happy with my choice.
I enjoy the Q-car element off-road as most folks don't expect the Freelander to achieve half of what it can do. Most owners only use about 10% of it's potential I reckon.
I wish I'd had an Auto Freelander back in the 70s when I was rallying an Escort Mexico!!!
I love my TD4 - it can sit on the Autobahnen on Cruise-Control / auto-Pilot at a steady 90mph for hour after hour with no stress at all.

That's neither on me, or on the FL, by the way!
It also makes light work for me in city centres where a bicycle would make faster progress. No left-leg cramp any more! I'm getting on you know!