Very strange EAS behaviour on my P38 yesterday. It was fine going to St Albans & then onwards to Buckingham in the morning.
Then 6 hours later in the evening going home from Buckingham, it kept faulting (at least 6 times) & needing Nanocom reset. The only fault was "pressure switch not changing state", so I thought pump is on it's way out. Found that both FL & RL were consistently 10-15 bits higher than the right side. It would not level out no matter what I did, or how many resets. Didn't drop to the bump stops either.
Stopped at Oxford services for a bite to eat (saves cooking dinner when I get home). Got back in the car, and then it decided to behave perfectly all the way back to Langley. Car perfectly level again, and no more faults.
I wonder if the car knew I was hungry ??