I have been trying to stick to a rule of fixing/maintaining two things before doing any of the more cosmetic jobs.
<done>replace windscreen wiper that flew off in a blizzard
Replace passenger side wiper
Replace wiper splines
Fix falling off sill
Build and fit cubby box
Build frame for bench seats
fit bench seats
carpet rear tub
build and fit fake front for rear seat box to store jack in
fit decent mirrors
replace rear UJ on front propshaft (mot advisory)
replace UJ on rear propshaft
fit reversing lamp
replace windscreen pump
refit water bottle to wing as holes corroded
Still to do:
trace oil leak (pretty sure it's the head gasket)
fit flame plug
fit air filter
make snorkel
weld bar onto passenger seat and bolt in
fit rear lap belts
build overhead console for stereo* & map lights
wire in stereo speakers and lights
clean chassis
rust-proof and paint chassis (still trying to decide best method)
replace rear split door with one-piece door
replace sides and roof with windows
full oil change
check and grease swivels
adjust or replace rear wheel bearing (mot advisory)
service brakes all round
construct under seat box
fit inverter, second battery, mini air compressor in seat box
wire in split-charger
fit spotlights to front
fit worklamp to rear
fit rear step
bits of wiring and switches to fit/replace
think about filling various holes and bumps and painting the bugger
*mostly for show when you have a perkins lump upfront
That's all I think, unless something else decides to fall off