Had a great day Saturday, till we got to camp and 90boy got a call .. son taken into hospital and he had to leave so we just did the one day .. but what a day!!
Probably the best days laning ever ...
Got about 6 hours of video, off a webcam to the laptop which needs editing 'cos the contrast kept drifting! Missed all of Strata though, due to power problems

Soldering iron wielded, tape used and no more issues all day so the system works, just not good quality.
Will put some pics up later and videos. Suffice to say we went from 3' deep water, so not tooo deep and not over the bonnets, to 3' deep snow drifts that took some blasting to get through, to thick mud that we couldn't stop on ... watching a Defender drift on muds, and knowing I only had AT's on had a clench factor ....
Great day ...