tbh nelly we wasent looking at keeping owl's as i wanted a decent pray size bird..
however i didnt like the dimension's the avery should be so made it four times bigger..
a friend from defra said it would be great for larger type's of bop like egal's or large owl's, couple of days later he asked if i would rehome three eeo's from a residence in peterboro as they were currentlly held in a 6x4 shed which was against the law as well as way crule..
next thing i know i'm off to take them i rehomed two before i had returned home to a sanctuery near skipton, and i kept oscer..
a few month later i was contacted by another center and asked if i could rehome sam, so i kept her with oscer..
both have been badly treated in the past and you cant get near sam without pain(she has calmed down a little with me but this is two years of gental cohercing)..
oscer however was a little easier and does now fly to the glove but i couldent risk letting him free fly so have to keep him on a special training cord when out(150 foot 4mm para cord with ss swivels attached )..
however unless like myself you have plenty of time and space i wouldent suggest taking them on mate..
in the training stag of a baby you have to litterly spend every waking moment getting it used to you handeling it then come's the glove training this should take ten days to 3 weeks+ then you need to get them hunting...
the reason i have oscer is due to hpmania so i don't want no more cool pets peeps can't look after
Edit.. sorry nelly mate i don't mean that to read like you personally..just emphisising how much care a large wild bird take's in captivty
and belive me when i say there still wild :s i know a couple of falconer's who have taken deep wounds of bird's they personaly trained for years