TD5 90 Project

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Volumetric mixed on site concrete, an awesome machine!


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Proper job that ;)

Brick & timber or timber frame?
Oak posts n beams, log lap sides.....using my same deign from my veranda-lean to fing, like this....

The ali 'bin shed' may get some soundproofing for my compressor etc, then again may just to a 'bolt-on' wood box on the side.
Problem is if u use the ali bin shed, I still need a badger / rat / fox proof bin shed.:D
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Still got stainless exhaust to fit.
Summer jobs list:

Replace clutch n spigot bearing, slave cylinder n pipes.
Brakes lines front and back
Fit stainless exhaust
Finish middle leccy box (might wait until i do clutch)
A frame BJ replace
x 2 new doors
Full re-spray ( raptor poss)
Fit new wheels ( once i have bought some fooking nuts n tyres o course.

Also have an MTD115 lawn tractor that needs
New cutter deck fan x3 belts n blade.
Fit new exhaust mod i have made

So im gonna be busy!
Still got stainless exhaust to fit.
Summer jobs list:

Replace clutch n spigot bearing, slave cylinder n pipes.
Brakes lines front and back
Fit stainless exhaust
Finish middle leccy box (might wait until i do clutch)
A frame BJ replace
x 2 new doors
Full re-spray ( raptor poss)
Fit new wheels ( once i have bought some fooking nuts n tyres o course.

Also have an MTD115 lawn tractor that needs
New cutter deck fan x3 belts n blade.
Fit new exhaust mod i have made

So im gonna be busy!

Walk in the park, what you doing for the rest of May, June, July, August & September? October is deffo Autumn ;)

At least the wife won't have worry about where you are, you're going to be stuck under your Landy lol
This little poopbox has kept me busy all afternoon, changed x 3 belts, blade n fan, but fan shroud has been eaten by the tin worm,
I mean gone fubar nada goneski!
So just finished greasing up all the bearings and levers etc, ordered a new shroud.
So now its in bits on blocks in the middle of my workshop. AKA I the FKN way!
Will pop the wheels on n move it tomorrow. To be fair its a great little tractor, has a hitch and at full chat will throw you straight off if you so much as attempt a small bend, its supposed ot have a 11Hp 2 stroke-4 stroke engine, but I manage to disintegrate the conrod and the main bearing, hooning around the garden, needed a new engine, and could only find a 13.5 HP one, so ho hum in it went, so now it goes like stink!

As you would expect of course its now got LED headlights and a rear facing mini stack exhaust, stupid design ment you just got fumes in yer moosh.

Off all week and have lots to do, mostly gadding about in the truck (the real one)
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This little poopbox has kept me busy all afternoon, changed x 3 belts, blade n fan, but fan shroud has been eaten by the tin worm,
I mean gone fubar nada goneski!
So just finished greasing up all the bearings and levers etc, ordered a new shroud.
So now its in bits on blocks in the middle of my workshop. AKA I the FKN way!
Will pop the wheels on n move it tomorrow. To be fair its a great little tractor, has a hitch and at full chat will throw you straight off if you so much as attempt a small bend, its supposed ot have a 11Hp 2 stroke-4 stroke engine, but I manage to disintegrate the conrod and the main bearing, hooning around the garden, needed a new engine, and could only find a 13.5 HP one, so ho hum in it went, so now it goes like stink!

As you would expect of course its now got LED headlights and a rear facing mini stack exhaust, stupid design ment you just got fumes in yer moosh.

Off all week and have lots to do, mostly gadding about in the truck (the real one)
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One of my jobs on the farm was to cut the grass and clean the little Stiga ride on mowers deck with the jet wash and oil it, last cut of the year and I always had to take it off and paint it as well for the winter, even carried on stripping and painting the mower deck for a few years after too, it was always nice to pop in for a brew and spend a bit of time with Brian, funnily the deck out lasted the motor and gearbox on that little thing and it was cheaper to replace the whole thing than get a new engine and trans for it :(

Surprised you didn't get some sheet steel out and bash out a new fan shroud?
lol, tis the cant be arsed factor, besides most of it was missing, which is why the fan and blade basically munched themselves to bits, the hole in the fan was the size of an egg, and just smashed itself to bits with the parts of old shroud.

It has taken out,

A fallen bird feeder cage ( that was a happy hour untangling it)
Numerous dog toys
A few tin cans (poxy Foxes)
One septic tank metal lid handle
x 2 lawn watering guns (poxy Mrs)
x1 nerf gun ( poxy Kids)
x 1 hammer (poxy dogs re located it cos it had a tasty wooden handle)

Oh yea and the mrs likes to mow the gravel cos she forgets to raise the deck when driving it back to the garage.

Last year sprayed it with red oxide and stone chipped both sides of the shroud, it had pin holes and riveted patches then, I knew it wold not last but did not expect to completely disintegrate! The new one will get stone chipped and baked before it goes on.
The ground facing side really goes through it, stones twigs etc and its not very thick and not painted very well, got a gen one for £60 delivered.
PoopBox Update,
new shroud arrived, got splattered with x 2 coats of stone chip, then hung on line in the sun for two days. (MRs not happy, says washing smells of paint!)
Fitted it this afternoon with new blade and strafed the grass, I don't bother collecting it have a mulching blade but let it eject out the back shoot.
Now it goes about 10 feet in the air, dogs ran through it they look like the hulks hair from the old tv show!

Been thinking about a lift kit for it.....:cool: thug life yawl.....

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So concrete 2 weeks cured now, reckon i can remove the forms, will wait another 2 weeks then seal it etc.
Not a crack in site very happy with it, no so happy it is the new dog plop spot though, FFS of all the ****ing land they choose this and place a curly 2 feet from each other, looks like a brown snake charming sculpture class competition stuooopid woofits!

Just finished ordering timber 4x4 and 6 x6 oak posts are not cheap!
Gone with the simpson string ties as before as anchors to hold post off base.
Running SWA and pre wiring to RCBO on garage consumer unit, so got a busy weekend ahead.

Will be fixing posts at the 6 weeks cured stage, fingers crossed this is long enough wot say you @1988smithy ?
Yeah man, 28 days minimum normally we've had decent weather as well. Drill a test hole see what it's like. @Broke Again would drill it after a week :p
I anit read through all this but looks like a good job. The shuttering can be removed next day but keep off the edges as they be soft. 6 weeks to drill is plenty you can dril after a week or so and use R Kem resin to install studs for ya posts
Sorry to thread jack but hears mine before my log cabin was installed


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Still got stainless exhaust to fit.
Summer jobs list:

Replace clutch n spigot bearing, slave cylinder n pipes.
Brakes lines front and back
Fit stainless exhaust
Finish middle leccy box (might wait until i do clutch)
A frame BJ replace
x 2 new doors
Full re-spray ( raptor poss)
Fit new wheels ( once i have bought some fooking nuts n tyres o course.

Also have an MTD115 lawn tractor that needs
New cutter deck fan x3 belts n blade.
Fit new exhaust mod i have made

So im gonna be busy!

Decent bit of oak framing! How did go about cutting the slots for the steel shoes?