Surrey greenlanes?

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Wasn't offended Jai. Advice and support is appreciated when needed but not when it's an obvious thing like cleaning the rad out and stuff like that. Don't like slinging mud at people (!) but sorry, I haven't just landed on the planet and other posts have come across as 'I know better and you know nothing'. If you come across like that people have the tendency to think that you are, for want of a better phrase 'a bit of a knob.'

Anyhoo, nuff of that eh! I've prattled on for long enough now. As you were! Shame I can't join in the clearing fun love all that!
i must admit i do-o like a bit of banter and controversial back and forth ness oh and mucho **** taking. I do like things to be done right and express my opinions openly on the public forum. If somone is on here asking for help and they have,made a mistake then its only fair for them to be told where they went wrong. Its a process of learning we make mistakes and we learn from them. Add to that **** taking, somtimes alot of **** taking, and we all get on and have a laugh or so I thought. Its about having fun afterall isn't it ? Its our hobby we spend our life working to pay the mortgage and the rest goes on getting muddy at a pay and play, driving a scenic route on some greenlanes or mabe driving across africa. We do it for fun! There is no my dads bigger than your dad bollix. Thats all in the play ground in nursary.

So who is out this evening or this wekend laning anyone?
I was thinking of heading out Essex way on sunday to do a few lanes, assuming i've sorted the stuff that needs fixing and fitting done and out the way.
If your anywhere near North Weald Airfield, I'll be there marshalling a Comp safari and they are also running a JTV kids trial which my youngest neice is having her first go and she is only 10. Jai
I'm sure you could pop in and have a watch but there will be no driving around the site cos you won't be covered by any of the clubs insurance but Its always worth a watch Comp Safari. You will see some nice sorted motors with awsome racing suspension.

Its a pitty theyre not running a CCV this time cos it will certainly show up what the motors can do. Forget this dislocating suspension difflocks etc a CCV mota on decent tyres will go almost anywhere with a half decnt driver. Jai
Did one of you guys say you were looking for PA Speakers ??? or did I just imagine that after taking way to many chemicals..
not sure if it was on here or not but i remember somwone saying they were after them. May have been a non-landy mate and is total coincidence
Did anyone get up to any off road mischief at the weekend? Me will be out soon after i've finished decorating me new gaff (def ripping up the 70's stylee carpet for sure and it smells of old people), and finding out if someone has stuffed something in my snorkel. My poor jap is gasping for air!
My weekend was as boring as all hell !! Glad your move finally happened, now just gotta get rid of the old people smell.. There is this insense you can buy called spice, that should do it, o and if you smoke it you get stoned :D

Hey whoose going to Billing ???
You must have done Farley and Shamley Greens then Jamz. I'm gagging to play :Cry:
Cheers Booger, will try the insence! Think the carpet has been there for quite a while :dizzy:Felt like I had been waiting to move forever! Kris and Mark helped me. We moved in 3/4 hour, which was no mean feat as I had shed loads of stuff. We stuffed Mark in the back of the Luton and when we got to my new pad, we opened up the back and he was fast asleep on my dryer!
You must have done Farley and Shamley Greens then Jamz. I'm gagging to play :Cry:
Cheers Booger, will try the insence! Think the carpet has been there for quite a while :dizzy:Felt like I had been waiting to move forever! Kris and Mark helped me. We moved in 3/4 hour, which was no mean feat as I had shed loads of stuff. We stuffed Mark in the back of the Luton and when we got to my new pad, we opened up the back and he was fast asleep on my dryer!

no. went from shere village, under the a25 and up the north downsthen went towards polesden lacy