By questioning my posts (thank you) you might have cleared something up, better saving me from being ripped off by a garage by questioning what I've been told by others. In addition, where others have used the word 'series' to me, you have suggested 'series' is confusing (thank you). If I had my facts straight you wouldn't have taught me something and I wouldn't have learned :0) Try not to get frustrated with people who aren't as expert as you. If a patient said "I've got a sore food pipe, an itchy arse and my head won't fit in the bog so I can be sick", a good GP wouldn't reply with "It's an esophagus, oesophagus (if you want to be pure English), anus, crack, bum or s&*T hole ... and don't be stupid! Your head is like a pinhead and would fit in any toilet or latrine on the planet, even one situated in the en suite of a bedroom in a doll's house". I'm learning, but there's no way I'm rote learning a 50 page pdf glossary of mechanical terminology before I ask a question on this forum. I've only just learned the emotion faces. Looks like you're doing a proper job on your car btw. I bet it'll look brill when it's finished. Also, with these steps (which I like best), does the brace arm go through the diesel tank?