Finally got time to play with the Landy again.
Firstly: conditions:
(Ok this was in the early hours of sat and i actually worked on the landy on Sun, but, i like the pic

So, fuel, as i had a petrol before there was no return valve, dug around in the shed as i have a couple of spare petrol tanks (as you do) and found another thing to go on top of the tank for the pipe, so fitted this to my now empty petrol tank.
This went in quite easily, although i had stolen the pipes off the donner disco and found that one was a lot narrower bore than the other and wouldn't connect to the petrol tank, so, popped down to the local car shop, to find fuel pipe prices have sky rocketed. So £10 later i had about 2m of fuel pipe and plumbed it in. Job done. Just need to move the fuel filter and attach it to the body at some point, but, at least the tank is in now. (Is that green thing on the fuel line one of those magentic fuel saver things?!?!?!)
Task 2 for the day was the exhaust. I had bought a bit of flexi, so, cut the old exhaust exit pipe and welded it on:
I realised it was easier to exit the exhaust through the wing and under the passenger seat. So cleared space for it:
I then tried to weld the other end of the flex to the exhaust. This failed. The flexi exhaust is incredibly thin and even on the lowest heat setting my welder put holes in it.
I concluded my welding skills are not good enough to work with flexi pipe, so, £30 thrown down the drain i now have a new plan
(Bit photo short now, it got dark to take photos)
I'm now going to come out of the turbo, onto a curve of solid pipe, through the wing, onto a bit of clamp on anti vibration flex (not like the flex i previously had) then onto the exhaust. This will be the next few evenings tasks.
I'm a bit concerned i may have cut a bit too much old exhaust up trying to use the flex, and don't have any spare exhaust or money, i will see when i grind off the flex tonight and piece it together again.
So bit of a fail on the exhaust front, but at least i got the fuel tank in, bit of progress.
Hopefully weather will be a bit kinder this week and i'll get more done, though, still that laminate floor to lay in the living room and dining room before Saturday