Well, this evening's job was firing up the old Vax "wet-or-dry" vacuum cleaner and seeing if I could get the seat fabric any less filthy. Sadly, despite the water coming out like soup, I just seem to have ended up with cleaner stains on them. The driver's cushion has also started to tear.
What do people on here do when that happens? I've found OE seat cushion covers online (for about what the car is worth!) so I guess it's either look for something from a scrapper or buy aftermarket seat covers? Does anyone have any recommendations please? Mine seem to be "Ash smokestone".
What do people on here do when that happens? I've found OE seat cushion covers online (for about what the car is worth!) so I guess it's either look for something from a scrapper or buy aftermarket seat covers? Does anyone have any recommendations please? Mine seem to be "Ash smokestone".