Delivery is available asap but first we need to start the deal with eBay.Due to my location and since view is not an option I agree for a 5-7 days of full inspection period ( after the date you receive the car ). This means that you have 7 days to inspect the car for any damages and decide if you want to keep it or not!
Because I will sign eBay's return policy, your money will be insured by them and you will have the option to reject the deal, only if we go through PayPal as well. If this is the case, you will receive a full refund (money back) from PayPal and I will have to take the car back on my cost!
You can read more about it following the link below:
Understanding returns policies
Let me know if you agree with the above return policy and if you want to purchase the car please confirm your PayPal email.