These guys are too small minded to understand your predicament and are only hear to winde you up. They have nothing better to do with themselves
other than continuously going on about people being gay just because they own a certain car. They cant even throw an originol insult that they actually thought about themselves. But then it is easy to puff your chest out from behind a computer screen. Just look at the picture i posted on this thread and you will see what type of people they are. Jeans tucked into socks and leather waiste coats. Quite sad looking individuels who condone theft.
First thing, I know enough to know Greenie has every intention of ripping this guy off. Thats clear to see. This i feel quite strongly is a crime. You being a lawyer should know this.
Secondly, I havent even mentioned how **** this site is. i think the site in general (especially the freelander section) is pretty good and very informative. It has helped me sort a few problems out on my Freelander. I think i actually slated some of the people on here (mostly non freelander owners who feel the need to try and **** every freelander owner off by throwing childish insults)
Third thing just about proves my last point very well.
first quote from you not an hour ago......
second quote wrong
Would you walk into a pub where you knew no one and tell them how to behave ? Most of us on here have known each other for years and have met, gone out laning,helped repair and lent tools to each other.
I could go back and quote all your derogatory remarks you've made but I cant be arsed as there are so many.
I await your humble response