L322 Road tax Proposed

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But it isn't just £118 a week is it. That's just the start, something to get your foot through the door of claiming for everything else...
Those neighbours of mine claimed for everything!

I'm surprised that your neighbours tell you details of all their finances. I haven't a clue what my neighbours earn or what benefits they are claiming. Perhaps you could list here everything that they are claiming & how much more than £118/week they are receiving?
Good schools and hospitals yes, squandering tax payers money on a foreign aid commitment so big that borrowing was needed to meet the obligation no. NHS stands for No Hope Service in my family. It was Liebour I believe that created the mess that is NHS. Who in their right mind would agree to pay six figure salaries to consultants and then effectively let them prioritise private work? The NHS is one of the reasons I left the UK.
It's the old cliche that the UK wants the level of public services they have in France but only wants to pay US levels of tax.

Government spending as a share of GDP in France is getting on for 60% while in the UK it's 45%.
Oh i get angry at many sorts of people. Sometimes it's the only thing that gets me up in the morning!
Personally, i don't know ANYONE who was genuinely mis-sold PPI, but many who made a claim. I got fed up with letters asking me to forward my details if i couldn't remember them and they'd do the research into any loans i'd had so i could make a claim. The last one found their pre-paid return envelope sellotaped to a housebrick and the enclosed letter was along the lines of EFF OFF YOU BUNCH OF FRAUDULENT MONEY GRABBING BAR STEWARDS!
At that point in my life i'd probably had about eight different loans and had only ever had what i'd asked for. Some with PPI, some without but ALWAYS what i'd asked for.
What you call the small stuff are the things that people like me can get up to and usually means i get to pay for at some point.
Claiming benefits they aren't entitled to pushes up taxes. Claiming on insurance pushes up premiums etc. What millionaires, MPs etc get up to don't usually end up hitting me in the pocket!

A friend's son was dealing with those claims. The problem was the bank had to prove it hadn't sold you PPI but almost none of them had kept the records. There was a feeling the government let it rumble on to make up for having to bail the sector out after the crisis.

£50bn went missing during covid. Dwarfs anything else. There are legitimate ways to milk the tax-payer for millions though. In Whitehall consultancies like PWC are well embedded and provide almost no value but are constantly employed. They box-tick accounts for eye-watering sums but rarely get found out until the **** hits the fan. Then there's the Care Homes racket, a model which springs up more and more (PFI is similar): you have an off-shore company that owns the buildings / assets; you run the UK arm at a loss by setting up service charges / rent to the offshore business. Government throws more and more money at the problem but it all ends up off-shore. No-one knows who gets paid but you can bet it isn't the benefits claimants. Not that I am endorsing them. Far from it. If you can pick up a broom or piece of paper you can work.
A friend's son was dealing with those claims. The problem was the bank had to prove it hadn't sold you PPI but almost none of them had kept the records. There was a feeling the government let it rumble on to make up for having to bail the sector out after the crisis.

£50bn went missing during covid. Dwarfs anything else. There are legitimate ways to milk the tax-payer for millions though. In Whitehall consultancies like PWC are well embedded and provide almost no value but are constantly employed. They box-tick accounts for eye-watering sums but rarely get found out until the **** hits the fan. Then there's the Care Homes racket, a model which springs up more and more (PFI is similar): you have an off-shore company that owns the buildings / assets; you run the UK arm at a loss by setting up service charges / rent to the offshore business. Government throws more and more money at the problem but it all ends up off-shore. No-one knows who gets paid but you can bet it isn't the benefits claimants. Not that I am endorsing them. Far from it. If you can pick up a broom or piece of paper you can work.
According to one press report, Smarmer has created one new quango every week since elected, it rather confirms that Liebour don't have a clue, So easy to spend tax payers money
The current modus operandi appears to repeat all investigations so as put off having to make a decision or spend more. Means the pen-pushers make more money but nothing new actually happens.
and for the average uk citizen we wont notice the difference, just like we didnt when we left the eu
Unless between them, Putin and Trump start WW3. Amazing isn't it, a megalomaniac who wants to rebuild the Soviet empire in charge of Russia. A semi senile megalomania backed up by a psychopath who wants to take over Canada and Greenland in charge or the USA.
I'm surprised that your neighbours tell you details of all their finances. I haven't a clue what my neighbours earn or what benefits they are claiming. Perhaps you could list here everything that they are claiming & how much more than £118/week they are receiving?
Oh they were quite proud of the fact that they didn't work and claimed for everything!
I'm surprised that your neighbours tell you details of all their finances. I haven't a clue what my neighbours earn or what benefits they are claiming. Perhaps you could list here everything that they are claiming & how much more than £118/week they are receiving?
Maybe if you'd asked me twenty or so years ago when they lived there, but not now, other than saying if they could claim it, they did!