L322 Road tax Proposed

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Your sock puppet failed to quote this relevant part of the Wikipedia page:-
The surplus is loaned to the government through the Debt Management Office (which is part of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt), via instruments termed 'Call Notice Deposits'.[6] Previously it was just invested in gilt-edged securities.

I'm not sure how accurate that is although I have to admit I don't know the inner workings of the Treasury. I know the narrative is that National Insurance covers pensions, unemployment and healthcare but I suspect the reality is that everything gets sucked into the Treasury and spat back out on whatever the political priority of the time is. What the actual percentage cross-charging is is probably unknown even to them without making some assumptions.
No, that isn't how it works. NI is collected in the National Insurance Fund & basically used to pay for state pension plus some contributory benefits like sickness benefits. If there is a shortfall the NIF gets topped up out of general government funds & vice versa if there is a surplus it gets transferred to general government funds. These adjustments don't affect the basic premise that the aim is for NI receipts to balance out what is paid as state pension.
The problem is, most Governments since the late 90's have only been capable of vanity projects and firefighting, they wouldn't plan any long-tem spending as they themselves seriously doubted they'd be there to see it through - so just used the money to buy sticking plasters, sometimes to patch up self-inflicted wounds.
I also doubt that VED alone would be enough to maintain the countries road network - much like NI contributions are not enough to pay the state pension, although for many years, tobacco tax income far outweighed the 'cost to the NHS' of treating smoking related health problems by some margin.

Register, tax & insure electric bikes & scooters? hell yes!
As noted elsewhere. NI contributions are enough to pay the state pension. That's the whole point of the National Insurance Fund to broadly keep in balance NI receipts & state pension payments.
Also seen above, NIC's are actually in surplus - with some of the surplus 'lent' to the Gov't. to spend as they see fit - which makes the NI employers contribution hike just another money grab by another name and nothing to do with topping up NIC's
It appears you cannot canvel your car-tax after 7 pm. Why is a mystery. However, you can SORN it after 7 pm. WTF? So in order not to be billed for January and to avoid being done for using the car on the day the tax was cancelled I had to SORN it when I got home last night. Stuff them.
I still think that VED should be part of fuel tax. Use less pay less, use more pay more. Elastic vehs should be taxed on an equivalent basis. Again use more, pay more.
Thennnnnnn.... DVLA and government should be held to account for failings in road standards. VED is used partially for road maintenance, it is also used for other services, that I can't recall using in my car. Such as park maintenance, street lighting, hospitals, schools, railways, housing and so many other things. Things that we are already taxed for in other ways, including Council Tax.
VED should be reallocated to road maintenance only.
If we have a contract ,and you charge me to maintain my garden and I am constantly finding holes, erosion, flooding, areas collapsing and basic lack of maintenance of my garden, making it unfit for purpose. Your excuse being you are spending the money on things other than my garden. Things I have already paid for under a different contract. You are now double dipping and you have breached our contract. Why is the DVLA not held to account?
Vehicle drivers are not only taxed to be allowed to use the roads, they are then taxed to ensure their vehicle is roadworthy. Why then are roads not vehicle worthy.
DVLA have nothing to do with roads. What they do is in their name so until they change their name to Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency And Road Repairs, you can leave them out of the argument...
This is why I am saying reallocate VED to roads only. Perhaps for 10 years or so. We already pay through other taxes for all the other things. To add the income from VED to the stew pot at the detriment of the roads doesn't seem logical. Or, they could even set an amount of VED to be ringfenced for roads improvement. No more wishywashy ' well all the tax you pay is used for a multitude of things, we can't really break it down.'.'If you and I know where our money comes from , and where we spend each income source, the government can do the same.
It is disingenuous for them to pretend otherwise.
And talking of squeaky wheels, it's time to register and tax electric bikes. They are motor vehicles after all 😉
Given the number of stop and seizure electric bike owners are getting, i think it's time to ban them not register them. I get the impression that the majority of them are all vastly overpowered than is legal. The number of youtubers showing you how to get your normal pushbike to do 60mph+ by fitting a conversion kit, i'm not surprised.
I've followed an electric bike with fat wheels doing a steady 50mph with no feet moving a few times going to work when i'm on earlies. I thought it was a moped the first time i saw it until we got into the 30 limit with streetlights and i could see it for what it was.
I've thought about converting my bike what hasn't seen the road for some time...
No, that isn't how it works. NI is collected in the National Insurance Fund & basically used to pay for state pension plus some contributory benefits like sickness benefits. If there is a shortfall the NIF gets topped up out of general government funds & vice versa if there is a surplus it gets transferred to general government funds. These adjustments don't affect the basic premise that the aim is for NI receipts to balance out what is paid as state pension.
And there in lies the problem. It's used for sickness benefits. I read yesterday, or the day before that there are nearly 3 million on the sick. Sick pay is too generous and over a year it's £3000 MORE than the minimum wage leading to people deciding to 'go on the sick' instead of work. Personally i didn't see that as a problem with the sick pay rate and more of a LAZY GIT SYNDROME which then wondered if we could deport the lazy along with the illegal immigrants?
What really shocked me though was back in the 80s 3 million unemployed was being shouted from the highest high, yet this same fact was just a line in an online article.
I've just doubted myself and what i 'thought' i read so searched online:
Early 2024 2.82 million not working due to long term sick.
Currently around 2.5 million!
And there in lies the problem. It's used for sickness benefits. I read yesterday, or the day before that there are nearly 3 million on the sick. Sick pay is too generous and over a year it's £3000 MORE than the minimum wage leading to people deciding to 'go on the sick' instead of work. Personally i didn't see that as a problem with the sick pay rate and more of a LAZY GIT SYNDROME which then wondered if we could deport the lazy along with the illegal immigrants?
What really shocked me though was back in the 80s 3 million unemployed was being shouted from the highest high, yet this same fact was just a line in an online article.
I've just doubted myself and what i 'thought' i read so searched online:
Early 2024 2.82 million not working due to long term sick.
Currently around 2.5 million!
Can't stop the sick pay, it supports all the single issue activists that plague life :rolleyes:
And there in lies the problem. It's used for sickness benefits. I read yesterday, or the day before that there are nearly 3 million on the sick. Sick pay is too generous and over a year it's £3000 MORE than the minimum wage leading to people deciding to 'go on the sick' instead of work. Personally i didn't see that as a problem with the sick pay rate and more of a LAZY GIT SYNDROME which then wondered if we could deport the lazy along with the illegal immigrants?
What really shocked me though was back in the 80s 3 million unemployed was being shouted from the highest high, yet this same fact was just a line in an online article.
I've just doubted myself and what i 'thought' i read so searched online:
Early 2024 2.82 million not working due to long term sick.
Currently around 2.5 million!

Last time I looked mandated sick pay was £159 a week? Minimum wage is about £12 / hour.

It certainly wouldn't surprise me if the government reclassifed unemployed as sick to fiddle the figures.
Last time I looked mandated sick pay was £159 a week? Minimum wage is about £12 / hour.

It certainly wouldn't surprise me if the government reclassifed unemployed as sick to fiddle the figures.
I don't know what either rate is. Haven't claimed the former for many years and i'm paid well above minimum wage. Just repeated what i read.
Could it be including other benefits you can get if long term sick? They didn't mean being off work for a week or two...
I don't know what either rate is. Haven't claimed the former for many years and i'm paid well above minimum wage. Just repeated what i read.
Could it be including other benefits you can get if long term sick? They didn't mean being off work for a week or two...

I don't know. Never really been sick.

Maybe with disability benefit but being disabled isn't being sick. I know women who basically get pregnant to get the child benefit and then live off that but work 15 hours a week on top. I've never met anyone living off sick benefit.
Last time I looked mandated sick pay was £159 a week? Minimum wage is about £12 / hour.

It certainly wouldn't surprise me if the government reclassifed unemployed as sick to fiddle the figures.
Just to throw a fly in the ointment. This assumes that all those on the sick are only capable or have only ever worked in a minimum wage job. Wouldn't the figures have to take in to account those on long term sick after having worked in well paid jobs. Meaning that being on the sick is far from a better option?
There are qlso the permanently sick, who come under lazy gits. Some of whom are so sick they can only work cash in hand. These are the ones who should be looked at. However, the system looks at numbers, and churns investigations out in batches, rather than individuals. Those individulas who do have 'lazyitic cash in handitis', know how to work the system. Which is where it fails the fit for purpose test.
As for the figures being massaged wasn't that the purpose of ESA being two groups. One being work , the other support. Meaning both groups showed as unemployed. UC is also a figure massager.
I don't know. Never really been sick.

Maybe with disability benefit but being disabled isn't being sick. I know women who basically get pregnant to get the child benefit and then live off that but work 15 hours a week on top. I've never met anyone living off sick benefit.
You know women who get pregnant so they can claim £25.60 a week? Do I know them?
I don't know. Never really been sick.

Maybe with disability benefit but being disabled isn't being sick. I know women who basically get pregnant to get the child benefit and then live off that but work 15 hours a week on top. I've never met anyone living off sick benefit.
How do you separate the two?
I am classed as disabled. I have a mix of conditions/issues/injuries. Some of those can make me very sick. The 'sickness' is very debilitating, thus disabling. Some of my disabilities don't make me physically sick but are debilitating, and the meds can make me sick.
Therefore they are all disabling, and they are all 'sick'.
How do you separate the two?
I am classed as disabled. I have a mix of conditions/issues/injuries. Some of those can make me very sick. The 'sickness' is very debilitating, thus disabling. Some of my disabilities don't make me physically sick but are debilitating, and the meds can make me sick.
Therefore they are all disabling, and they are all 'sick'.

Therein may lie the misconception.

Disability to me is a condition either genetic or acquired which prevents you from living a "normal" life. Sickness is transient, usually from an infection or injury that heals.
Therein may lie the misconception.

Disability to me is a condition either genetic or acquired which prevents you from living a "normal" life. Sickness is transient, usually from an infection or injury that heals.
I think this is a bag of twisted cooked spaghetti. Conditions include, but are not limited to diseases, disorders,injuries, lesions,pregnancy, and any other condition that can be medically diagnosed. Sickness can be defined the same way. It's not a bag of spaghetti that I would like to untangle 😁
However, I do believe that any suspicion of lazyitic cash in handitis should be thoroughly investigated. Especially as there is provision for those on disablement benefits to do what used to be called 'therapeutic employment'. Meaning that there is no reason to work cash in hand, unless you are doing something that would show you are fit to come off disablement benefits.
Not forgetting those who are classed disabled but still work.🤦‍♀️