L322 Road tax Proposed

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I think this is a bag of twisted cooked spaghetti. Conditions include, but are not limited to diseases, disorders,injuries, lesions,pregnancy, and any other condition that can be medically diagnosed. Sickness can be defined the same way. It's not a bag of spaghetti that I would like to untangle 😁
However, I do believe that any suspicion of lazyitic cash in handitis should be thoroughly investigated. Especially as there is provision for those on disablement benefits to do what used to be called 'therapeutic employment'. Meaning that there is no reason to work cash in hand, unless you are doing something that would show you are fit to come off disablement benefits.
Not forgetting those who are classed disabled but still work.🤦‍♀️

A friend caught a council employee off with a "bad back" running a scrap metal collection service via Facebook. Video'ed him hoiking a washing machine onto the back of his truck and weighing it in!
A friend caught a council employee off with a "bad back" running a scrap metal collection service via Facebook. Video'ed him hoiking a washing machine onto the back of his truck and weighing it in!
These are the ones taking the 'p'. I know of an ex-RAF female with a bad back, using a wheelchair, and two crutches to walk, caught dancing on the roof of a car. Her only concern was that someone reported her 😮 Apparently bluffed her way out of it. Still claiming a military disablement pension, full Service pension because she was given a medical discharge ( another story and another lie) and disability payments. Then they wonder why the country is broke ( and broken)
I actually did know three people who preferred to sign on rather than work for a living. They lived on the corner of my road. The old man and his two late twenties daughters, they never worked a day in the five or six years they lived there. They claimed every benefit available.
I actually did know three people who preferred to sign on rather than work for a living. They lived on the corner of my road. The old man and his two late twenties daughters, they never worked a day in the five or six years they lived there. They claimed every benefit available.
I suppose in some ways it depends on what a person thinks is a 'good' lifestyle. If they are happy to think of Sky tv, a mobility car, and fish and chips 3 times a week as the pinnacle of life, then on benefits they will be. If they have pride, determination and a work ethic, then even a minimum wage job is an achievement.
I suppose in some ways it depends on what a person thinks is a 'good' lifestyle. If they are happy to think of Sky tv, a mobility car, and fish and chips 3 times a week as the pinnacle of life, then on benefits they will be. If they have pride, determination and a work ethic, then even a minimum wage job is an achievement.
I'd describe them as lazy scroungers! (PC description...)
The old man wasn't right in the head either. We used to get a lot of learner drivers stopping to perform manoeuvres along our road. They would sometimes stop by the curb to see how close they could park? They would often stop alongside his hedge in the 30 feet gap between his front gate and the gates to his garage. His front garden was narrow but long. He 'had a go' at a few driving instructors. This day, i don't know if the instructor answered back or what, but he decided to punch the guy in the face two or three times. He then went into the house, called a taxi and took himself off and admitted himself to the local loony bin. I expect that's probably not very PC description of the establishment, but hey ho. I heard that the victim tried to press charges but because nutter had admitted himself into Barnsley Hall they couldn't touch him. I don't know how true the untouchable part was, but according to his next door neighbour, that wasn't the first time he'd done it. We were happy when they moved. I was further up the road but those living closer said he was always moaning about something that they'd done. Music too loud in the garden, mowing the lawn at the wrong time etc
There's a lot of anger directed at people possibly mis-claiming small amounts of money to live a very small and what I would call boring life.

Do you all get as angry at millionaires avoiding taxes for vastly larger sums, or the miss-selling of PPE, or the VIP fastlane to tory donors, MPs expenses scandal, all much more expensive outrages but you all seem to get warmed up over the small stuff.
There's a lot of anger directed at people possibly mis-claiming small amounts of money to live a very small and what I would call boring life.

Do you all get as angry at millionaires avoiding taxes for vastly larger sums, or the miss-selling of PPE, or the VIP fastlane to tory donors, MPs expenses scandal, all much more expensive outrages but you all seem to get warmed up over the small stuff.
There are I suspect a lot more fake disability claimants than there are politicians or millionaires, so maybe all those small amounts add up to a very large amount.
Probably not true.

A bit of Googling suggests total benefit fraud hovvers around 2 billion pounds or 0.7% of total spending.

Companys in the tech sector alone avoided 2.2 billion pounds of corporation tax in 2023. 300 million from Amazon, nearly 700 million from Google!!!

Add to that people wanting building work done cash in hand to avoid the VAT, being paid cash in have to avoid the tax, using red diesel when you shouldn't, and all the other little things "law abiding citizens" do to shave a bit off here and there. They're just as despicable as the benefit fraudsters. Stealing my tax money with gay abandon.

Going after some poor sap that thinks he living the high life on 118 quid a week because they've somehow got it easier than you doesn't make any sense to me.
Probably not true.

A bit of Googling suggests total benefit fraud hovvers around 2 billion pounds or 0.7% of total spending.

Companys in the tech sector alone avoided 2.2 billion pounds of corporation tax in 2023. 300 million from Amazon, nearly 700 million from Google!!!

Add to that people wanting building work done cash in hand to avoid the VAT, being paid cash in have to avoid the tax, using red diesel when you shouldn't, and all the other little things "law abiding citizens" do to shave a bit off here and there. They're just as despicable as the benefit fraudsters. Stealing my tax money with gay abandon.

Going after some poor sap that thinks he living the high life on 118 quid a week because they've somehow got it easier than you doesn't make any sense to me.
I'm afraid that the £2 billion figure is likely to be an underestimation the fraudsters hit me in the pocket in the form of taxes to pay for their idleness as do the others so I would be after all of them.
There's a lot of anger directed at people possibly mis-claiming small amounts of money to live a very small and what I would call boring life.

Do you all get as angry at millionaires avoiding taxes for vastly larger sums, or the miss-selling of PPE, or the VIP fastlane to tory donors, MPs expenses scandal, all much more expensive outrages but you all seem to get warmed up over the small stuff.
Bit of generalisation there. I personally believe theft from the public purse , no matter how it is done, and no matter the amount, is still theft.
Disability benefits are approx £40b per year for the English government. It's projected to rise to £58b in the next 3yrs. Those claiming number approx 4m. Giving £10k pa per person approx. It's not small amounts. Fraudulent claims are approx 4% ,, Giving £1.6b.
That money could be better served elsewhere. As could any other hand in the purse money, or just not paid in money.

P.s that does not include those like the ex-RAF female mentioned above, who is claiming AFCS GIP, Service Pension and disability benefits fraudulently. Which adds up to a lot more than she was earning as an LAC.
He also built 132 new hospitals and introduced the 18 week maximum waiting limit, doubled spending on education, brought in the minimum wage, made the Bank of England independent, and brought in the Freedom of Information act. All good things.
He also built 132 new hospitals and introduced the 18 week maximum waiting limit, doubled spending on education, brought in the minimum wage, made the Bank of England independent, and brought in the Freedom of Information act. All good things.
and brought in ppfi which allowed privet company’s to rape hospital and school budgets
PFI was brought in by conservative prime minister John Major in 1992. I don't really agree with it, but no one wants to pay any tax, yet they still want good schools and hospitals.... what you gonna do?
PFI was brought in by conservative prime minister John Major in 1992. I don't really agree with it, but no one wants to pay any tax, yet they still want good schools and hospitals.... what you gonna do?

Good schools and hospitals yes, squandering tax payers money on a foreign aid commitment so big that borrowing was needed to meet the obligation no. NHS stands for No Hope Service in my family. It was Liebour I believe that created the mess that is NHS. Who in their right mind would agree to pay six figure salaries to consultants and then effectively let them prioritise private work? The NHS is one of the reasons I left the UK.
There's a lot of anger directed at people possibly mis-claiming small amounts of money to live a very small and what I would call boring life.

Do you all get as angry at millionaires avoiding taxes for vastly larger sums, or the miss-selling of PPE, or the VIP fastlane to tory donors, MPs expenses scandal, all much more expensive outrages but you all seem to get warmed up over the small stuff.
Oh i get angry at many sorts of people. Sometimes it's the only thing that gets me up in the morning!
Personally, i don't know ANYONE who was genuinely mis-sold PPI, but many who made a claim. I got fed up with letters asking me to forward my details if i couldn't remember them and they'd do the research into any loans i'd had so i could make a claim. The last one found their pre-paid return envelope sellotaped to a housebrick and the enclosed letter was along the lines of EFF OFF YOU BUNCH OF FRAUDULENT MONEY GRABBING BAR STEWARDS!
At that point in my life i'd probably had about eight different loans and had only ever had what i'd asked for. Some with PPI, some without but ALWAYS what i'd asked for.
What you call the small stuff are the things that people like me can get up to and usually means i get to pay for at some point.
Claiming benefits they aren't entitled to pushes up taxes. Claiming on insurance pushes up premiums etc. What millionaires, MPs etc get up to don't usually end up hitting me in the pocket!
Probably not true.

A bit of Googling suggests total benefit fraud hovvers around 2 billion pounds or 0.7% of total spending.

Companys in the tech sector alone avoided 2.2 billion pounds of corporation tax in 2023. 300 million from Amazon, nearly 700 million from Google!!!

Add to that people wanting building work done cash in hand to avoid the VAT, being paid cash in have to avoid the tax, using red diesel when you shouldn't, and all the other little things "law abiding citizens" do to shave a bit off here and there. They're just as despicable as the benefit fraudsters. Stealing my tax money with gay abandon.

Going after some poor sap that thinks he living the high life on 118 quid a week because they've somehow got it easier than you doesn't make any sense to me.
But it isn't just £118 a week is it. That's just the start, something to get your foot through the door of claiming for everything else...
Those neighbours of mine claimed for everything!