P38A [RESOLVED!] P38 DSE non start - fuel issue

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OK. Number four injector lift sensor has nothing to do with fuelling. So your statement on that subject was nonsense. The fault maybe stored in the ECM from your previous engine that miraculously drove perfectly without a lift sensor. Clear it see what you get. I take it the new engine came with a powerbox or the like. Disconnect that and the hot start. Reset static to 0.90 mm lift. Bleed system and see what you get. You should never need two applications of glow plugs. Have you checked that they are getting voltage on ignition, if so what voltage is showing? Engine not starting but trying is usually down to glow plugs. You need at least three good plugs on three consecutively firing cylinders to get any thing like a start. And even that will be lumpy.
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think you got the wrong end of the stick on this, when i bought my p38, 2 and a half years ago, number 4 injector sprung a big leak so i put in an ordinary injector after reading up a bit and the price of the injector with the sensor in it, and what i read said that the ecu would just default on the amount of fuel being injected, and thats exactly what it did, did not go into limp mode, did not have sluggish response, made no noticeable difference at all and drove perfect for 2 years, apart from an overheating problem, which used to come and go, but after two year came and did not go, so i took the head of and found a massive crack in it, so rather than **** about welding it and not knowing if it would be a success i had been offered a p38 with really nice alloys that cost £1500 for £500 so i went for it knowing that it had been in and out of numerous garages due to a none start problem, hence £500 quid, in tank pump was knackered, but fitted a temp inline pump to it while still in the doner car and got it running and then done the transplant and all was fine as i had fitted a new in tank pump in mine six months ago, all was fine the thing flew along as it was also chipped as well then started to get harder and harder to start, so changed the injector pump of my original engine on to doner engine and while i was at it done a manual test on the glow plugs of which all are ok, then bought the hot start bypass and fitted it and would go after two rounds of heater plugs, changed fuel filter lots coming through when you turn key on, and also fitted a non return valve between ijpump and filter, and put in new crank shaft sensor as well, then came back for a sarnie about a month ago and its been sat outside since, so as you can see im not totaly thick, i can change a front air bar in ten minutes back one about twenty, rebuild a compressor pump in about twenty mins, how about you???
Changed the FIP for a starting problem without any recourse to diagnostics?
OK. Number four injector lift sensor has nothing to do with fuelling. So your statement on that subject was nonsense. The fault maybe stored in the ECM from your previous engine that miraculously drove perfectly without a lift sensor. Clear it see what you get. I take it the new engine came with a powerbox or the like. Disconnect that and the hot start. Reset static to 0.90 mm lift. Bleed system and see what you get. You should never need two applications of glow plugs. Have you checked that they are getting voltage on ignition, if so what voltage is showing? Engine not starting but trying is usually down to glow plugs. You need at least three good plugs on three consecutively firing cylinders to get any thing like a start. And even that will be lumpy.
To add to the above, you also need glowplugs of the correct voltage which is less than the 12 volts you might expect.
they are beru, checked them manually light up like a light house, even without them working would still start on easystart which is what i had to use two years ago
If they lit up like a house have you burnt them out? Did you put 12v to them for a while? Dont think they are designed for constant 12v. I just dampen the end and power them up till they steam just to prove they work.
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If they lit up like a house ave you burnt them out? Did you put 12v to them for a while? Dont think they are designed for constant 12v. I just dampen the end and power them up till they steam just to prove they work.

Glow on duration varies according to engine temp. In summer maybe four seconds in winter eight or nine seconds. Mornin Alan.
One of my best mates passed away last Friday. Funeral next Thursday, will have to try and make that if i can.
One of mine went to bed and didn't wake up, he wasn't old if fact his wife had got up to take the kids to school and wondered why he hadn't got up.He'd just finished building their dream house and retired early.
One of mine went to bed and didn't wake up, he wasn't old if fact his wife had got up to take the kids to school and wondered why he hadn't got up.He'd just finished building their dream house and retired early.

Bad do that. My mate was 76 so good run. Heart stopped and was revived three times back in the seventies when a bailing machine crushed him. So he did well to last til last Friday i suppose.
One of mine went to bed and didn't wake up, he wasn't old if fact his wife had got up to take the kids to school and wondered why he hadn't got up.He'd just finished building their dream house and retired early.

One of my cousins felt tired last week and so went upstairs for a lie down. A moment later there was an almighty thump from his room and when his mother got up there he was dead on the floor. He was only 39. Waiting for the autopsy results now.
Bad do that. My mate was 76 so good run. Heart stopped and was revived three times back in the seventies when a bailing machine crushed him. So he did well to last til last Friday i suppose.

Same as my father. He was 76 when he died, around this time last year now I think about it. A month or so short of his 77th.