Please sign my petition

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Signed,.....anything that infringes my right to be equal to my fellow man because of monitary reasons is not democratic. The government should just tax fuel and nothing else. The more you use,( ie pollute) the more you pay, how much fairer can you get. Its just another stelth tax, from a tax hungry government.

Oi think before you start that "let's put road tax on fuel".
There are some of us who don't pay road tax (Tax exempt Historic vehicles).
As no-one has ever managed to find and declare an accurate breakdown of what exactly this road fund licence is for, I must therefore object to the very existence of said RFL.

The B'stards get approx £2.5 billion per year as a conservative(sic) estimate and the roads suck, the furniture sucks and the revenue camera's suck, so I won't sign it because it is the most glaringly obvious of all the stealth taxes.

I wont sign it cos a 4x4 tax dont exist.this is a complete waste of time as slob sed, cos no one in government cares, and secondly cos the argue ment is completely FLAWED!
"I agree that some vehicles with large engines should have a higher road tax, but this should be irrespective of whether they have 4x4 transmission or not. My Freelander only has a 1.8 litre engine and it passed it's emissions test so is no more dangerous to the environment than any other 1.8 litre car. A RAV4 is only small but is charged an extortionate amount of road tax for being a 4x4. This is becoming a personal vendetta against people who drive 4x4 cars and has no real bearing on the damage being done to the environment. They cause no more damage than any other car and its about time the government realised this."WTF? if you want to calculate your tax use this dont be wasting yours and others time by starting a petion about sometihng that dont exist!You'll end up taking away the very little influence these things have by completely discrediting them!
Get ya facts right!
yes it is if you do more're using more roads more often, and producing more emmisions. I know its not necessary popular, but it is fair.

. youve blatently only come on hear for a bit of help and youve started to upset people already . do you really think golden browns goona liten to 50 odd people in freelanders and rav 4s . the only way you will get any attention is by driving lots of 4x4s / farm equipment inter london and sitin in it fer 15 hours a day . an to be honest i doubt any of anyone one hear can be ****ed. now youve sujested more tax on fuel ???
road tax on fuel means that them wot live in remote areas end up paying more than them what live in cities - that's not fair.

FFS trewy summat else we agree on When I lived in Wales I had to drive a 30 mile round trip to go to a supermarket and 60 mile round trip if I needed to visit the "local" hospital. and I didn't do it because I enjoyed the drive. is that NFC saying I should have been charged extra as well.
10 mile round trip to my nearest shop. 80 to hossy. Nearest bus 4 miles away.
So I use a bit of fuel and make a bit of CO2 to do anything...

Nuclear power station 1 mile. Providing pollution for the next 250 generations so green folk can drive Prius's.

Massive land fill 1 mile. Taking all the ****e from scotland and Northern englands main cities, so that people can continue to go to waitrose and markies in their green Prius's to buy their ready meals because they're too busy to make a meal.

Cement works churning out more CO2 annually than switzerland 1.5 miles. So that everyone can buy their new green house up to current u-values with their own bit of garden and preferably a garage to plug in their prius, probably built on what was once greenbelt or an orchard, or a playing field.

All this ****E, all this new carbon religion, all this absolute nonsense drives me mental when the real problems are ignored.

Kneejerk ill thought out petitions watering down the real arguments don't help.

Landies really are one of the greenest things around.
10 mile round trip to my nearest shop. 80 to hossy. Nearest bus 4 miles away.
So I use a bit of fuel and make a bit of CO2 to do anything...

Nuclear power station 1 mile. Providing pollution for the next 250 generations so green folk can drive Prius's.

Massive land fill 1 mile. Taking all the ****e from scotland and Northern englands main cities, so that people can continue to go to waitrose and markies in their green Prius's to buy their ready meals because they're too busy to make a meal.

Cement works churning out more CO2 annually than switzerland 1.5 miles. So that everyone can buy their new green house up to current u-values with their own bit of garden and preferably a garage to plug in their prius, probably built on what was once greenbelt or an orchard, or a playing field.

All this ****E, all this new carbon religion, all this absolute nonsense drives me mental when the real problems are ignored.

Kneejerk ill thought out petitions watering down the real arguments don't help.

Landies really are one of the greenest things around.

how else are we to generate electricity economically ?

what would you do with the rubbish ?

if more people had a greenhouse then perhaps they'd not need to go shopping ergo less goes to landfill

remind me what you feel the real problems are please
here we go again with the on line pertitions. the ****s dint take no notice of them or havn't yer noticed this. last year one pertition got 20 brazillion hundred signatures and the gov sed " so what? we dint care"

stop wasting yer time with it it int gonna change a thing. if yer real serious might i suggest three alternative to yer pointless pertition?

1/ get yerself elected

2/a blockcade of all major cities for one day a week

3/ move to somewhere that has a goverment that pays some attention to the wishes of joe public

Thanks slob for your opinions which you have a right to but this is my opinion and if you don't want to sign my petition then just don't go mad about it, however I wanted to make a point that the government last year I believe put 4x4 car tax up to around 300 quid and this year its going up again but my landrover only has a relatively small size engine and the fact that its 4x4 is irrelevant to the amount of emmissions. The government seem to think that by having a 4x4 transmission makes it dangerous to the environment which is pathetic so I set up the petition to put my point across. You obviously don't agree its worth it but if everyone thought like that all the time then nothing would get done about anything, would it. Enough said.
Signed,.....anything that infringes my right to be equal to my fellow man because of monitary reasons is not democratic. The government should just tax fuel and nothing else. The more you use,( ie pollute) the more you pay, how much fairer can you get. Its just another stelth tax, from a tax hungry government.

Thankyou for signing.
not signed, there's not enough money being raised by the current taxation system to pay for new hospitals and higher pensions fer the OAPs so the more tax the better

no need to thank me fer not signing