agree with you, and from your enthuisiasm, i sincerly hope it all comes together, but for older cars with non electrickery type speedos,
not much use to us at all.
as our footfall of LZers is huge, with much of us being located in non town/city type homes, speed cams and such devices are perhaps not so much of a worry to them as it is for the likes of me being done once already by our wonderful roadside van operated cash cow number plate reading & registering then collecting money generators as I/we strayed from the path into evil of doing just over 5 to 6 milesPerHour more than I should have done.
the "fine"/donation/payment for 2 hours of classroom teaching of the perils of speeding cost MORE than either my choice of accurite speed displaying device or perhaps your elecktrickery device when fitted to motors with non standard "gearing" set ups
plus my device screams at me

when entering near a known speed cam location,
then screams at me If I dare be driving over that particuler speed limit,
but, as I said, many dont drive on my road types let alone my normal motorway or main traffic routes..
horses for courses situation really..