My S3

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New Member
Keflavik, Iceland
Thought I'd post some pics of my Landy's engine... or what's left of it


Not sure that's this is an original part... nor do I believe that the garden hose you can see there is either




Was wondering if anyone could tell me the english name for that white can in this picture

...I'll put more pictures in later and hopefully use this thread to post pics when I start ripping the engine apart







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I have to take it apart and locate one cylinder head that needs to be reconditioned. And if the total cost for getting the engine back up running doesn't exceed my limit then I will rebuild the entire car (over a long, long, long period of time)
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Nope! As i keep saying middle of june ;) Only got 4 days at school then i leave... then loads of exams then i am free :D Then work shall begin :)
ffs, it only took me 2 days and a couple of nights to get where i am now, then i ran out of time . (like always) will get back on it when work slows down again . ah just hope yers kno how to purrit all back together when yer strip it !
Me dad rebuilt a series 3 with his cousin (My cousin still has it and all i can say is... i want it! :p) so if i get stuck i shall ask him or just ask on here..... Anyways... it ain't hard to put back together

I hope anyhow! :p
Me dad rebuilt a series 3 with his cousin (My cousin still has it and all i can say is... i want it! :p) so if i get stuck i shall ask him or just ask on here..... Anyways... it ain't hard to put back together

I hope anyhow! :p

:p body, suspention and axles are easy enough , ovehall the fookin lot before fitting them goes with out saying.
but the engine and gear box are a little more tricky , trust me, yer doing a proper engine rebuild or a clean and paint job?
:p body, suspention and axles are easy enough , ovehall the fookin lot before fitting them goes with out saying.
but the engine and gear box are a little more tricky , trust me, yer doing a proper engine rebuild or a clean and paint job?

I got parrot bollocks to go on :D and the axels are in good nick (They had new swivles and what not about 1000Miles before it came off the road)

Me dad used to rebuild gearboxes for a living and the gearbox likes to whine like fook so that is being rebuilt. Engine will have new gaskets, pipes, chain, rings, good clean ect and just give it a good checking over and replace anything that needs replacing :)

Will rebuild the Overdrive if i can can find a parts supplier :)

Ain't going to be a can of Nato Paint and bollocks to it job ;) It is going to have to be done properly because it will be my only car!

On the subject of rebuild gearboxes, i noticed LEGS no longer exist...anyone know where i can get a kit from?
nope, they dont seem to do they ?

ere tinribs were doing a gerabox earlier in the year? see where he got his bits from , am in no rush to get mine done, will look closer to the time, unless its a known problem , i usualy put the old box in the landy with the engine rebuilt and ready to go, dont bother with the seat box etc, just a bit of ply on the tank to sit on , a new clutch and jack it to on stands or rail sleepers, run it thru the gears and if ok , take it on the road, if yer getting gears poping out , get it back in the workshop and take out the box then find the fault, no good rebuilding a box to find it dont work ! the oil seals are the worst thing to go on the old series boxs , there a must before putting it back in , the hole set of gaskits are only £10 ,
No, the engine isn't running at the moment. Noticed one cable in there were a big portion of the rubber was gone, like torn or something and there's no battery in it.

I got it for less then 80 quid so this will be my first car to practise on :)
Oh dear lord.... I looked at the location and remembered you other posts..... Show the ladys and genetleman you lovely bulkhead.... Haha :p
oh yeah , the 'orse shoe special ! still a good buy , prob no worse than my IIa ,
tis a good start to a project tho, yers soon gerra bulkhead that will do for it, well worth doing if yer plan on keeping it,
do you know how much a new bulkhead would run me?

I just found out that the guy that owned the car before me doesn't know squat about electricity. I haven't examined the wires from inside the car but it does not matter cause the way he connected the glow plugs doesn't make any sense. There's a bracket on the bulkhead with two bolts, on one of them appears to be + charge and on the other one he used a ground colored wire and connected from the bracket to the last glow plug and then to the next one and so on. And what he did after connecting the last one was to connect that one then onto the engine? Don't understand when people that obviously don't know anything about electricity still decide to do it themselves